Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 April 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
OP Two ioats of the Caīi/ornia f with a full | complement of officcrs and men, have been ongaged for seTeral days in surveying the Pearl | liarbor lagoon. Tliej will probab!j return totho | flag-ship to-day, j Promenade Conoert at the Hotel by Profesßor ! Berger and band on T!iursday evenlag nest.! Don'fc fail to be present at our eliarming and en-! livening concert. Let strangers eee our splrit' j and taste whieh eannot be shown in any way J j juiore effectively .than at llerl>ert % a Hotel Prome|nade Coneerte, j Proorammk—Part 1. i QuwdEmma ' j Cavatiaa, opera I LombarxJu »Verdt' Tliou art so near atu! yet far, (song).,. ,Keic!iAt\U 1 i Jaliēt \Valts t (by requcst»,«. ' | PABf2, ' I i Tho rage iu Ame)ioa, M<hllov .Rtngkbeft \Ut G*votu...Xlll | j Biue Violeis, walia, (ne\v).' [ T«uMiklBcliocn l iiolk» i | " M, Le Monnyer, the Commissloner of France 4 deBirea to tender his niost graterul regards to the ladiee and gentleuien of Honolulu fbr the fcind reeeption aceorded to himse!f and fricnds on friday evening in a mu&ieal onterta\nment nt the J Theatre for the bcneflt of Frenoh $uflsjrorfl by h\-' undation. He bogs to menlion» in this pnMie manner, las and that of hl®! nmatour * aaeoeiaioe to the aid and sMlftil aeoompanmicnt ihroughout tlu x eontvrt rendercd Vy PmL Bergoi j j
i - A Contrp,diction. j v . - : - Editor Nuhou :—Sir.t~As C€rtain reporls ure beitjig circu]ated in this |own calculated to do Hiu an injury, I ehall feel exceeding]y obliged if jou will kindlj give insertion to £he following: I| am not the wrlter| of iheee articles whieli appeared from time to tlme in the San Francibcp CMonicle y reBpecting this Kingdom, Xothing has ever heen printed in- the Chronkk about Hawail or Hawaiian peophp, written bj me wiihoue initials at tiie fbot; and I appeal to the readerj? of the Chronict€ s a single &currilous sentence has ever appeare|t in*that paper endoreed bj initiak. * I am yours, &c., Walter Hill.
\JMch Was It ?
A or au iusalt, tlie tlirowiug of īiair a d|)Har upon the stage|duijug tlie eoucert last Frkiay eveniDg. Such a practiee is in vogue at J the Bclla Umon and saloons of San FranBut we eanno!qoneeive what i sbould prompc <t gtntitr7utn to niake sucli a Jonstration befbre sueh under tlie eaI peeial, interesting, and highly honorable eircuml#(«neesof theoceas!onJ Thii» was the only ui> contretemps of the evenlng. If it was Jnotj an ineult, it certa|inly waa a inalapiopo*. j waa it? | | J Spirit of the Press. The Adveriiscr tbinks that the Governmeiit 18houhl form opinions upWn puWie qnestions ;; and flet lthe puhlie lenow e|early and !whktthoee opinione ar4 through acsnoW!ledged medinmand |herefore of opinion ithdt the Covevnment should not Inwe diveeted Ulself ©f its orgm for eoinmunle;\tion, It ppeßumes however tha| the Gu:dU vrill be t: a qutisi Goverimient This $uppositiou |aH|thetnoro reaeonable einee we leam that ttie j Gazr4iroffieeandjournal >vas in a nie;isure' 1 f0r0e4 ,% Jby the UoverDUient upon the piwnt lessee. Xfe j that no foreing |of the Oovernment i wa« msorted to upvn us. tho Au Oioa, goveri|ment prtntUl in the Ilawaiian !apgua>e, !ssuevl it« last numl\r la?: weel: in of the leaso of tbe £o\ernmont Tt wH no»w t>o iu \)w Kuoksa x whieh jvapor V'Hl be «itjK\l ?|So Jfuotoa ūn<ī O*oii Certain legal doouroenU imist, by law, bo pubtisbed in the Au ' henee it i? tW svnt!nuatbn of tlu> tit!e [wiil ?«eeuro the "Mr. the retiriu£ editor of the Au is an aMe wTiter .in his native f!e oapaWo of | both poetieal nnd with T:N : vo*fe! | '