Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 ʻApelila 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FOR. IjEIASIS FOR A TEBBfj: OF YEARS ! ■Aft- TIIK PRESENT OF iff jßjfl the uitdcrbigijed &ituatedln Uouotalu, at the foot {>T illiifli Punchbowl fclrt-et j pjiitaihiug one arid three-fourth ikJrraa. a'-rea of land. paitljr planted with Fruit Tre>s »:>d Flowering Shrubs, the balance:in good pasturage sufficient Tor two jhorses. Ttjte Land h-».« a fr< rjtage <>r,-tj.<- $*:* Tuchig the eL-ranc-: to the harbor, of two hundred and sixty-three feet. is on the premiss a [SPACIOI S AND COMMODIOUS DfVJfiLLINa iIULSK, jfJxOO fc»-l 9v)Uj all c jjv». vs attached. ! Servant* rooms, Stable and jCurriage IIou£?. Itiis both a city and sea aide residence. It otiJy requires to Ik? seen tp be appreciated. | I COMR AND SEE. i For terms apply on the premises of , to [j ls ...... , " J THOS. LONO. 1 TIME-TABLE OF THE StEAMEF? KILAUEA." March 31nt — ..Kawailiae, returuiu^ Thursday |>. ui. April 4th ».....,.fXnwi!iwili ) leluruia^ Sunday a. m. j April 7ih....... Kona April 16ih........ Circuit ofKauai 21 si ....... ..Kona April 2Sfh Circuit of Hawaii CT No Credit for Passage Money. Tickets at the Office onlf . Not responsible for any freight or packages, uLiess receipted for. - I SAMU£L G. WILDER, .in* «-w&w _ V . j ' I ■ : . . : A]T THE CORNER STORE WILL SM FOUND A Cnoice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear I 'U:sr RECEIVED Ex tv.V !MOI V> I> l>. t .Ml HHAI. i TT S » S «™. -\* D drawee. \ll grapes. ; lies SOCKS and *uperio*- to a&v m tk« country,a fine Hue of Ocmkmen's Clothing, S A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes I [White Linen Suits, "While, Ball Vesu, Gl.ves, | A fiiK? assortment of Hemme.l HauJkerehiefe, tat J | white and colored border. - | A fine new lot of| White Socks, someilung mwl j A l.ot ot Acok Scutu: j I rmbrellss in SHfc, Cloth, **4 j A few lar-e ske wlisuebope | OOtlD AND PLATED SLfKVK BCtiaSS. AMliin j | sleeve Btttwus, Loue apd Irvrj- Sieo>e liuiwiis, | A IfKW LOT 01' HITS, SIEiVI UilS, < 1 II _ ! | i Shirts of superior quality, 15 t0 - v "*>*» « * t>l«*Wrtt bva> 30 10 ** Jacket , Boots tod Shoes than So. i u IJ, tiunWs, Ytli*, w4 Cmrpst Bjfcgs. j . Jgosneli/S AND ruKii .uw, j Softjii, and Hair Oils, , In TV.u<hcs, tu« bes; I | uwu. Uiwa Baissuus -a &xks. |IX FACT K\ EHYTHINOt VISUALLY IX xiL j W&LL APFOiSIEB GOOiS SIORIi ft!! and ua |lnaab!i u : im M. McINERNY.