Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 ʻApelila 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreign News.

By the am val of the sohoonar J. D. Sanboni, I fifteen days from Sari Fra-ncisco, we havc ten days J latcr 110ws, up to thc lsth irist. Papers, but no inaiL Through the courtesy of Admiral Pennoek! \vc \verc permitted to glance at San Francisco papers, from whieh we make up the following summary : Great Eritalv.—The most intercsting itcm of ncws is thc Ministerial crisis in Parliament s The [ government suflfered a slight defeit, 284 votes{ against 287, upou a bill respecting secular uni-1 versity educatioji in Ireland, Mr. Gladstonc re-| signcd. Mr. DMsracli was immediatcly sent for | by ller Majesty s .who gavc him an audtence at Buckuigham Palaee. The conscrvative leader hcsifcates about forming a Cabinet, as tlie 'Tories are in a minority in the Hou?e t Ile desired to ftommunieat€ \vitli Lords Derby, Cairus, and ' other cminent friends of his party, now abroad on 4hc co,ntincnt, bcfore giving ller Majesty an answcr. Thc probability is that if an election takes plaee Mr. Gladstone will ro.u i rn i fTi<> ' miership \vith a renewcd lease of power, France—Paris, March 13.—0n Tuesday last Preeident Thiers scnt a note to Berlin through Count Von ilein that the French GovernmcntJ proposes to complotc the paymeut of the firet| half ol' thc iourth milliard by the end of April,' and the Becond half by the eud of July, and to' farther pay 250,000,000 fraucs and give (inaneial guarantees lbr the balance. The fiual evacuation of French territory lo begm on September lst, Germany.—Princc Bismarck makee somc stron* o | and dccided declanition against the undue political! infiucncc of Koman Catbolic Ēcclesiastical power| in the Empifc. lle shows a determination to! fight Jcsuitism ti> thc4eath. A big warfare fbr| the great Ghancellor, A Gcrman expedition to' cxplbre Alnea \Vest eoast to the East. . . "• • ' . , y - - Spain.—The Govornment troops under General Kcuvalles were deleated hy a body of Carlists ou Ihe lleight£ of Monrell. Thc abdicating Monareh Amadcas 6ays jn his addrcss to the Cortes, that as { he swore to maintain the erown in accordance \vitli law, he did not wieh to take up the tword to fight Spaniards for t!ie maimainanoe on ,hīs hcad of thc Spanfsh Crown, lle resumc£ hU rights as a Prine(f of Sardinia» Pohitg vl.- —Souic rumor of revolutionary repuhliean and th;\t- Fngland will iutervenc to prevcnt tsuch movcmcnt§, We dou*t belicvo it. Tjik I;.nitki) StATi-;s.—Thc Seuate \vas in bcsj&iou eonfirming Wo nu\v espect to hear af Bōiuc new appoiniment6 in thesc klamk t)y next mail. Mr. BoutweU sueeced£ Mi% Wilson \n tlic Scnatc, We m:ret touoticc thc fi»iknvins

| fcciegram : Now York, Marclt. 1 :)ih. Lottcr« fbi* j New Zealand iind AiiBtralia must bc sent via | Ersgland now, , Hates for Bingle Jettcr postagc to j Oolonieg,' as follo\vs : British mail via Southj ampton, 16 eents; British mail via Brindi6i (Italv), 22 eents. i J repayrnent conipui6ory on botb cases. Sugar markct in San Francisco unci)anged. Ilawaiian grades, 74 to 10 ccnte, Wc j niay espcct a inail by thc wchooner Ue?i. Harucy> | aimost anj day.