Nuhou, Volume I, Number 11, 1 ʻApelila 1873 — Enterprise. [ARTICLE]
Our contcmporrtrj is vcry eiiterprieing in gct-; ting out an'extra with a few clippings about thc j moderate niinisteria] crisis in Endand, thatand 1 i nothing inore. Aftcr cnjoyiug the espcciai favor! of the Pilot, who past3cs by our Tuesday's papei*j! in order to accoinmodatc his Wednesday's paper s j he ought to have done a little bettcr. A Pilot ! ought to accommodato in thc public interest, thej first journal to be issued. The news is not very | important ? but such as it is ? judge yc, gentle HonoluluanSj between what is served up this Monday j afternoon, by the Philosopher of Kaahunmnu; 4Street and the Shephcrd of Lanai.