Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]
Along the Wharves.
British bark Lightfoot, liea 6tern on at Tibbetts! & Sorenion*g awaiting ordere. iSclu>oner Paualu lies at Brewer & Co/e wharf j a\vaiting orderB. I Barkentine Jane A, Falkenberg has taken a! ! 0 ] j berfch at Robinson'B whgrf to di6charge. I Schootier DauntleBS has hauled to a berth at Brewer & Go.'s wharf and is reeeiving freight, to eail to-rriorrow on the Kauai route. Whaling sehooner Kamaile is fitting at Tibbets & Soreneon'e wharf, Sehooner C. M. Ward lies at the old Custom Ilouee wharf. ; , Bark Kale, at her berth at the Esplanade, ie receiving eargo for San Francieeo. Schooner Uilama is dieeharging at Brew T er & Oo.'e wharf, and will leave again for Kona tomorrow, Sehooner Jolm Young is loading at the old Custom Houise wharf for Waialua, to eail to-daj. Sehoo3ier Nettie Merrill, at the old iee house wharf, will leave to-morrow for Lahaina.