Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
FpR LEJABE FOR A TkltM OF YEAES ! MTIIU PHKSKM RKSIDi-.Vt t OI the timkrfcignfrd fituaici in II jnUuiu, a: tl.c fuoi 1t Punchbowl Street ; e&utaiuit.g >jUv nr<d lbm-fourl'i r\e "112 Ir*{ r, „iV jilant-ru wl:h Fruit Ir<Lc£ a:, I Flowering Shrubs, the tjal&DCc in good p&bturage eunkitut fcr two horats. j The Land has a fr nt.wjg- '-n t!;<? «ca beach, f*cj.£ iLt to the harbor, of two hundred ami sixty-three feet. liters is on the pr*-rafi«es a SI'ACIQt 3 AND CQMMOI'IOVS* DWKLLTNH JlO1 1 L C».\ov hi vrlth *h c attached. Servant- rooms, Sl&Lip and Carriage House. It is both a city atid spa side re&iiieiice. It <»oly requiiefe to be |seen to he aj>prcciii : .«-«L SKE. For tenus apply on tfie premises of tnhlo TBOS. LONG, TIME-TABLE OF THE STEAMED " KILAUEA March 31st. r .KawalJiae« i tiutuiu& Thiirsdiiy p« iju April -Ith lelui nlu^ Swnifay a. iu. April 7th.........j... .............. April 16th|....cireuli of Kaoal Apr?! 21st ..jKoaa April 2S t 1t... < Circuit of Hawaii O* No Credit for Passage Money. Tickets at the O&ee only. Not responsible for any freight or packages, uclesa tt ceipted for. ! SAMUEL G. WILDER. 3,4 igeot. AT THE CORNER STORE witt BE FOUND A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! J VST RECEIVED EX iv.v 3i oi axd u.<. .Mvi:n.v\ Tj XBEKSHJKTS AND MATTERS. ALL GRAPHS. . . NeCa 1 it?, Socks Slid , SlpvlkW •Iu S»T ta the country, & Sue lice of Gentlemen's UoUuug, A Pull Assortmput of Boots and Shoes! WWte Linen Suits, jviutc Ball Vests, G lores, A fine assortrnent of Hemm*2 Ujnidken: h ef% U a I white and colored border* A fine new of White fcoeks, something aetr, I Splendid oi IVeciv jsttais I Vmbrel!a« in Silk, |tiU»n s CioUi, Alj*c*» au4 C,u , A few large site wii»iti«ue U i»t>r<u£. GOT.O AXD PLATKIf SLKKVK IiI'IMMS, AMBfcK £4ee?e Button* B tie aod Ivory Sleeve A SEW LOT 01 I'AMIIA UAW, MtUW Mils, ! i?ass llat> I IShirts of superior quality fooai 13 to 2\> incite* uecii; TthimUlits (ham *0 to 44 Boots IUKi Shoes from No. i w Trunks* Y*U§<* a^a GOSXRI«L'S AM) L.i r U*bV w\v\ tlAir I Iu l>rushes iaciudin* i\^ town. Gv&ki Eacpuns iIX FACr KYtWYTUIjNO ISU AUA 101 Xi) AU. WELL iiOK^ Call t*d law TnaaWc u , inli# tin . McINERNt.