Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 Malaki 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ilVfif IFil tli |l ft* rtv n © v-jr. Tvm'tTl %>t*\ i**mm ta«-35 l R Cfcj i > clxijvt?," -: A. HERBERT, ; ; PROPRIETOR TIIIS has become the most popular institution of J this city. It is the cue, which recommends us raost to the favorable consideration, of strangers, j Everyone who arrives in Houolulu indulges in an expression of surprise to find so large, so elegant, ] and such a well appoiutea Hotel, It cost a good sum, is well worth the money. The chkt projectors and promoters of the building weie blamed lor having erocted such an extravagantly (■ large edifice : but before a year has expired since it was opened it is frequently found to be too small to accommodate its throng of guests,—and the proprietor is about to erect four adjacent cottager to meet * the demand upon his hospitality. Travelers from all psrts of the world who ar« now brought here m comfort by the commodious steamships of the Australian line, say unanimously that there is no house of public entertainment on the Pacific qoast» or in tlw? British Colonies which *ur~ in point of .oirfut and elegance the new Hotel c The building is lighted with gas. The Diuiug Room is a spacious noble hall, aud cau scat 200 persou at table. The parlor is furnished tcij luxuriously and has a superior tviied piauo for die «ut«ruilument of guests. Their is a Billiard Saloou provided with three Sthrale & Co.'s patent cushiou tables. The Bed-rooms aw all furuished with spriun uiat-1 tresses, and tas'eful ueis of furniture, with cold aud warm, aud shower haths attached. Thorc are no eitrA charijes for conveyance of i fWKto between steamer and Hotel iu coiuia* aud going; and no extra change for r?n*iYsi i%f bacgaM ~ or ailii-r i<xtra soi'vi. o *