Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 Malaki 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TBURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1873. The trade feature of the week, eo far, has bēen the credit Metisrs. F. A. Schaefer & Co. at C. S. Bartow\s auelion 0 roonf on Tuesday and Wednesday, at wlileli goods to Ihe amouni of about $12,000 were disposed of. The sale was fairly ' atterided, but bidding parlook of (lie nature of the times and | was duil. Bome few things Were duplicated, but more to ciose out lots than from aelual profits thereon. E. P. Adams held thls forenoon a room sale of staple goods» whieh was well atteuded, but buyers did not evince mueh of a spirit of competition. - Since our last the whaling bark Camilla has sailed to cruise off the coast of Hawaii> to awaii the arrival of the next San Francigco steamer, Bhe reports the whaleslu'p Mt. JFollaston at Hilo, with 85 barrels sperm. The bark Kale lias commenced loading for San Franclsco, and will have di»patch, H, B. M.'s>S, $cout wi!l lcave 011 Saturday next for Victoria, B. C. Bchooner C. M. Ward wiU return about Monday next to the J guauo i«lADdn, wilh supplies»