Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — The British Ball [ARTICLE]
The British Ball
Given by 11. B. M.'w Acting CominiBKiouer Davies yesterday evening a t the Hotel, in " honor! of the aeeession of His Majesty, ?? and also as : a fars-well party to the H. B. M. S. 'Scout, wasj quite a grand affair and somewhat artistically' gotten up. The whole front of our nohle Hotcl,! along itH lower ba!eony, >va» festooncd w-ith! banners. The BpaciouB dining room, u6ed as a[ dancing hall, was n\m decorated with bunthi£r.' t O ' j and as tbafe bunfcing was neither pretty nor elean, it did not add anything to the beauty ofl the elegant hall. The profusion of evergreen decorati(ins, and especially the magnificent bou-1 quete, arrangeu and twined by' thc hands oflovely volunteers, 6howed fqrth our wealth of tropic beauty, and the esquisite taste of our ladies. The western end of the daneing hall bore this legend in large lettere made of intertwined ferns, twined by the deft Sngers of the Scout men, " Farewell to the Scout,'' and the eastern end was decorated by a taeteful fioral canopy surmounting the Royal Hawaiian Arms and tbe dais, or throne fbr His Majesfcy, but we| regret to state that the Iving was abscnt on aecount of indisposition. About three lmndred guests were invited, and among those present we observed ller Majesty Queen Emma Kaleleonalani, Her Excellency the Governees of Hawaii, the Chancellor,*the Mm?sters, Admiral Pennoek, j the U. S. Minister Resideot, the Commissioner of i France, Captains de Krafit and Cator, and many! ī of£cers of the Oali/omia and Scoui 9 the Governors j '! of Oahu and Kauai, the King's and Governor of ! Oalm'e aids, Major Moehonua, various Consular( | Representatives, and a large represeutation of our | j Honolulu eooiety. , j Qur Jenkins notiecxlon ihis some very ? ! finc toilets. and quite satisfacti>ry, to his emieali taste in eostumes. All teeme(f lovely to l liis Buseeptible nature. Ile dul nofc notiee in | j thiff gay ~soeiety* auy of those odious creatures! |that are diseussed in other artieles by our Pa-] j triareh, l>ut all seemed an*els to his dazzled; 1 vision, a\few of whieh he timidly ventured to| | notiee. They were partially hid from mortal; j vi.sion, in a iadmiee whiie and green s iu a ] jlighfc pink ekmd, m a i\mt of saltuon eolored| | tint, in a ereamy vapor, in a vesture of searletl ! and diamonds, in a faw?i colored shtide. in blaek lveivct, white satin and laee, in real Cbantilly! ever so many in tbe pure, es!estialJ whiee. But the presj> »aiting and eute short | our enthusiastie } U Jenkins. ; The dancing was ktpt up till 3 o'eloek, in thc! i The band was iu fiue tune, and aequit-! I ted itself in its usual brilliant style. The Maeau- f j ley eoiiilion band was engaged. Altogether J the ball was a grand a(Tau, ana iu pretty gojd 1 J t We t!nnk it wouid luwe l>ecu for the 1 •eonvonienee of the. ladies if the lmd been 1 I reservtxl for their use. and the mipjkt below. ! The supj>er \\as bountiful and ehoiee, with an overtlow ol vinous ehi\n' 5 wliieh inspii\\l the usual offiTveseonee of toatUs, llis MnjestyV healt!i \sas. !drank wit!i full honor>. so a % lso !ler M;ycsty \ Queen Kmma's. The ClunKvllv»r \vlth soniO pcrtiiunit remi\rkf« gave the ikeallh of Her Maji>ty! , Vietoria, to whUh Mr. l>avies xvsjx)udeu . Ihy propostng a dij-Unua # ie oiunibus toast, whieh } inehuled the Pre*ident of ihe Cnited States, aud all the of the \\or!d, to whleh nobovly j , eould n\<|vnd. !! nvever, ihe fai£hostess of the may !».• ]T'ou«l t!e 61kvcW of # "■r.Uid u*m\ i \