Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — Our Editorial Staff. [ARTICLE]

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Our Editorial Staff.

Frt;quent enquincs are waele as to who wrote «ueh aod such urticles iu the Nuuoi . We desire to satisfy tliis euriosity aud mtroduee our „staff to tlie pnblic; Our Io«g-winded politieal leadere are written bj the Secretarj of the Immigration Society, and quondam " Piisoner of Weltevre> den " ae Senior Editor; our poetry and poetie proee are, as you eee announced, by the Sliepherd of Lanai; our moral and admonitory coraposītions are by the Patriarch of Palawai; our anti-offieial squibs are by the Author of the Lunalilo paper; our notices of festivae occasions are by an aeeomplished Jenkins, who has been at real courts and knowa a dais from a daisy; our city news and mueieal items are written by a gentlemanly Bohemian; and our jokes are piekeel up at the Hotel table bv the Publisher. We have an oeeaeional eommunlcation from a distinguished 'iiaval officer, and onee in a while we permit a high official to pitch into his collcagues through our eolumna, We hope this exp!anation will be mtis~ faetory, and will set curiosity at rest in respeet to the Nuhou editorial corps.