Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — A Fire in the Rear [ARTICLE]
A Fire in the Rear
Ie p;irtioularjY uucomfortablo and aggra vuting. Ueu. Scott said that his eonihinalioiw and motements iu Virgiuia werc hiiideral, and the disaster U Bull Kuu wat3 brougbt about large!j bv a ! fire iu the rear/* kept up by rabid journaUsu |ani vociferous poliueal clergjuieii, So did our I late Reclproeitj Treatj sufler on aeeoum of a fire | ia the rear, One of oilr reeiproeitj onvtors re|cently eaid, the treatj euffercd on aeeount of j want of eupport from a ialterliig Cabiuet %4 at home; but we kuow, ujs we \vere thei\\ that a daiuagcd, like the iirst iuTli-guua by a fire in the rear, kept up bj a jouraalbt aud a c!orgyman, That pvditical pastor lias retired to other pa«ture^ } but the joumalist ia stlll ia tbe field of Hawaiiau politi|?s. The partieular amuiui|ittou >vhicU uourkhed the m thc rear on ttmt dceasion vtm thc ila6ter and 3cmnte " law ol tīik laud, Thk jourualiāt hne bo.\sted tliat the fire; whieh tliis la\v aflbreW % defeateil thc treatj. But he the iT\fluetiee of that l!ce, UjO\Yever, that k hi6 bv>as£; an i we heard haji illai mtreity <>|
repiprocity with Ameiiea, ean b»j negutiiited j bj|ig as thai law remain& on the Ilawaiian e>tatuU j books. At this time th|s jjurnallftt isaiī ad\oca:e I of| a new Reeipiocity Treaty. Xuw we n«c|ely j to knuw what he|is going ti> do about the j 44 Master and S:rvants Ib he going to lct } it alone and go back opi his furmer potsitiou, or i* I he, when another Reeiprocity Treatj ia before the ! Senate at Wa«hingtori t going to buek again at the " |obnozioue law," an(i so keep up agaia tlie fjrtinj the rear ? We merelj \vaot to know, as w e see thafc the San Franeiseo Chronick has eommeneeel already this fire on iecipiMty y and n dejriyes its inepūniion, no doubt, on this «übjeet 4 j finpm our journaiiets politlcians.