Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — The Last Official Uiterance [ARTICLE]
The Last Official Uiterance
Of the Gazelte appears in its iggue of thc 26H i inBt. After the Srst of April the late organ will j in its editorial inanagement only the! views of Mr. 11. M, Whiine?, but thisxiumber| under consideration is officiai, and in it we ha?e; the viewB of the admmistration upun reciprocity. | The Q(?ssion of Pearl Harbor ie coneeded ae a neces6ary u quid pro quo f " and in accordance with ' the views of the Ban Francisco Āīia, whieh | ?iews, however, did not originate vvith the Alla % but in a eommunieaiion in the Gazettc. It is urgcd' that we ehou!d be willing to t4 concede anything reā6onable, M and it is asked, in respect to advantageB, that rcciprocity would afford, if they are ls to he ignored and al!owed to slip by unimpro?ed, through laek of public spirit, timid fears, or a dog-in-the-mangēr polioy of escluBiveness? We hope not. Nothing ventured nothing had." And tlien ifc is said, that such a scheme, thc ccssion of Peo.rl Ilarbor, is { ' professedly and reālly for tlie perpetuation of the native sovereignty." Thia is a pretty strong statenicnt for the government to make; but we are not gomg to raise j ail J pbjeetions at this tlme, ouly we cannot help ! but notice the expression, 44 dog-in-the-manger S.policy," an espression eo oflen used in respeet to j the inaeiion of the government, especially that of I the Minister fbr Foreign Affiiirs, and now to be I used in such a quarter leads us to give credence to a Buspicion et«rted in the Btreet, that thc Prem.ier is not in harmony wilh his colleagucs in this mattcr of tho disposal of the Government Organ and Printing Establishment; and that thib remark we refor to, is in fact a reflection upon his ! (»utious inaction. If so, the Premier is not in j entire syiiipatliy with theriugarrangement whieh j placed the Gazett€ into its present hands, and it ) may hereafter reilect views in antagouism with j hie poliey.