Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — The Great Kaiser's Day [ARTICLE]

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The Great Kaiser's Day

; Was| kept up in Hun-jlolu on Satun1aj- t?je 22-1 in8t.! Mr. GIade, the actiūg Cousul of the GermaQ |Ēmpire, Invited ail; tiigh oOieial-, an<I al! | good| citi'zcnp, tho NvhoJi- ainong thc IaUer, to Join bimat Judge Widerjjarju*tj Hne mansījn in to take part in a laneh and to p!cdge the |Greafc Eoiperor of Germania. A hounlilal flow |Of Rudesheimer> and Liebfraumilch # afisiste(i aion,g with agroaning lahle, in doing honor' to fcht oeeaeion. TTe had before us on the chamber the stern features of |the Son of HohenzoIIern; he wiho had madc good the tradition, of leading Ēmpire from the &ea to the roek i of HohenzoHern) and |from the loek to thp sea. He eiill ho!ds a ?igo'tous sceptre \vith hīs! 6eYentj-six jear*; anj j Ameueau gentlemen prespnt ou thij? daj, \Tarmij tfc tlie *pirit of fee\entj-tix ; M meaning therehy to blend in lhelr thoughld and sju)pathiet? the 8toujt- spirit of their union'e wuh the stout unitcr of all Germania. I Butj| by the way, another &evetitj-six \vas pledged 1 be{bire thie fe8tive boar4» no leas than a joung of some seventj-£is hours # a joting hout?e- | ho!d| prince t and a happj pledge of a Imppj unionOne|conwrned aroee afc |hk f and wieh a eounienan<je 8parkling wUh pleasure» eo yiad ā<T w retujued Ihahkā, \vith t|ie accompaujing # tignificant eeatiment f that all|. present would * % go an4 »do ii|kewise. M So eaid w|e alL j A|throDg of eompanj j Cabinet Ministere. di- ' plomatf, naval oflkvr$, Cpnsula t and ciiizeLis were | <x>ming tvnd going t and kecpii>g fhe hoepiīahle jtable weil fiiTed ; so thtjt Mr* Glade mubt feel t J that Honolulu did on this aiuple houor I to thc great KaieerV "dajj\ |