Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — Rival Stage Routes. [ARTICLE]

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Rival Stage Routes.

Charl!e SisBon, nn ,cntorprMng Btool-rnm\ of Califoriua } sayB ho is going to bring out hcrc J somc ot tus> busij teauis4 lo run vHH>vecn town . and tho Pcar! Kivcr Btātion; Wc ean scc m our mind's eye the «tagc officc nridcr thc Pcar! strcct hoasc, itf plaean! annonnoing ho«r!j trtps U) the v>kl grass~grovvn to\vn of Ilonolulu. Sisson wi!! mnko thingB bct, n» he drivos tlii:ough Quecn itrcct \vith r lus spiko tcAin. "DonH , he niek up though? j līut Chartic Twcivc-pcr-eent is n!rcavlv rnnnin£ anothcr line to Bcdt Kivcr, !!i« toad is weli siocU4 iuu! he has thc >nost of the f * t>cach •* j and plantation folk# hookee! for thc foutd. All, aboard for S\lt Biw * i