Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

I BritiBh bark Liglitfoot, lies etern on at Tibbotts ' & Sorenscm"s wharf, awaiting orders, ] Schooner Paaahi iies at Brcwer & Oo.'e wharf j awaiting orders. t j Barkentine Jane A. Falkenherg has taken a !berth at Robinson's wharf to dīscharge. Bark Kale is about through dischaimng eoala at the corner of the Ēeplanade, and win be readjr j shortly to reeeive freight for San Franeiseo w , Sehooner Warwiek $ at the Esplanade front». will get off again to-day for Molokai, Sehooner Dauntless has hauled to a berth at ■ Brewer & Oo.*r wharf and is reeeiving freight > to } eail to-morrow on the Kauai route. Whāliug Bohooner Kamaile is fitting at Tibbets & Soreneon*s wharf. 1 | Schooner €, M. Ward lies at the old Onstom |HousewharL