Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — Pen Pictures of the Paciflc-The Island of Remitara. [ARTICLE]

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Pen Pictures of the Paciflc-The Island of Remitara.

(€oncluded lrom No, 3.) The landing.on tiie ialand is effected hy a narrow ehannel through the reef, not more ,than ten - feet; wide, through whieh the water wilh a! perfecfc rush, while on eaeh Bide oF that narrow J operiing, the water bubbled and fuamed ln mo>>t magniiieentjy abfmrd rage, Two whaleboate weie j senfc aehore from the ehip, the firsfc one pasBing j-through the ehannel in safetj. The natives had: j waded oufc into the smootii water in6ide the reef, j and iaying their un6anetified hands on the boat, | drew ifc up 011 the beach, where those in it were fcaken on the baeks of the natives and dropped tenderly on eolid ground. The eecond boat'sj company in trjing to make the entrance eame near going to giory—-or elaewheie—by being | dashed broadside on the reef, btifc fortunately 1 fchey secured a new ieaee of life and another, ehanee of Heaven, to undergo the eame hoep'Ual-j ifciep tendered otbers s the iKitivcs generously ( taking anything oOered, and being qulte willing j to fcake a greafc deal more if they eould get it. ! The firsfc thing thafc atfcraet§ one'ā attention on j is a number of graves 011 the heaeh, eide : by ?ide. The inquiringB of a laudable curiosity eliei ted the fact thafc these were the royal mauso-, leums, wherein were entombed the tenements of fche departed souls of Remituran royalty. Eaeh j , grave had a mound of the regulation eize and shape, while a slab of coral stonc was placed uf»ighfc at the head, inscribed with an epitaph recording fche virtues pnd pru\vess of the warriur who slept beneath. There were ten of thesc sepulchres already occupied, while the end,and| elsventh one was ready and willing to close up • a6 soon as the candidate for mortuary honore s evinced a disposifcioii tu cave m. ?? Furfcher in-' quiries elicited another faefc, this grave was for 1 ihe reigning monarch, Tamaeva. Xear this em- '■ bryo eemetery was laid the keel of a small sloop, j whieh fche King was building almost alone. Now,! in momenis of weariness or Impatienee, llis Majesty might leave the hole he was makmg, toJ sifc by, or in the one he was de«iined to fill, there to eollect his thoughts and meditate on the muta-, bility of all earthiy (or kingly) aflairs and the' uneertainty of all stoek markets, thus eombining! practieal and theoretieal plnlosophy, spiritual! and temporaL ] We hadnot been laying off the Maiul very long' befbre His Most Gracious ]Majesty, Tamaeva, independenfc King of Kemitura, eame off iu a, whaleboat to visit the ship. Being one of the! | reigning of the age, he must thafc extended noliee due to ail his iliustnous \ tribe. Ho waa an ordinary looking genlus, } without any satisfaetij>ry elaim to l>eauty, if the | ,be Uū to a 'i.uan of judgmem. : (Liib the wviter, I! have seeu betfer looking| | men in jail, on short ration*.) He had a fine' | open (very open) eountenunee thai well! for tbo alulitj to dlscriuuiute Wlweea 5 tongh and teuder nussionary, whether servL\l roast or fiieassei\l. But the gorgeous sp!endor hie capaiisoti attraeted tho most profound interx>st 1 and admiration. 110 $ported a duēkety-diudJ wlir heavet hat ihat exlnbited most unmi:dakab!e trneea of loug and Cjiithful eKrviee, a \eteMn, Plug-ugly wouM look wUh seorn and plty on thc! wearer of sueh a hat. Hisi body eneom-' and kept Niered from eyet (whieh [ well for t!ie eyes4 by a ealieo rliirt» btriped' p\nk Mnd wliih', iun t *in.* .iml eh\yanlty 1 i

perN.»Ji Secured übdcr thipendant pieee of d!y g«x?ds a epeeie* of hag made of ealieo or de!aine, of a white ground yind jblue figuring, or ground ani wh!re 6guriog. |fc doeso't make inueh difierence whieh. Ineident4jl obeervation diseiofced tbe fact that ihia pjyal bag, from the hips tu the aneleh, tl)e eauie widtli| a!I the way up or down, and wae jut?t wide ent|ugh\.o allow him to indulgo in an ordinary without. givmg one of the maids of honor disagreeable neeessity of fewing what he wouLI lacerate, Ifc 9bowed great foresight on the part of whpever invented fche bag part of the eostume, thu? to eonāne the pedal est!remities to a prop*er stale of {iecorum, or the in thie iLstanee at teasfc, raighfc be eerious. His Majesty being una|>le to find a pair of sh|o«?s and stoekings to fit # made fi!B oflicial visit minus these adjunctt of a Chiittian'B apj>arel, eo thafc tbe esquisite proportiona pf his other ends \fere plainly visible to the naked eye. Aye! a;nd plainly hearable to the £aked ear. And wh£n he took a «tep, yuu uaight befc your bottom dollar that his fwt was there. I fchuddered, as I gazed awe-stricken on thebe! trtmendoue institution«, and thought of the direful &msequences that must inevitably ensue If they fc?er escaped frooi that hag and had their owu I»ray for about five imnutes. Altogether Hls Majesty looke? decidedly picturesque, and fil!ed ine with the kmdliesi feelings fur ioyalty in genferal and barbarte in pirtlcular. I iinteri!y wished sfii)e one to 44 make me a ehild hpiin,"so thatlmight be a y »ung pnnee and fetrut ahoui, eoek of khe \valk, with a ealieo fchirt imd bag, and an old hat. Wouldtvt I be happy and < s big^ % * i While raakmg a tour of t!ie sliip, in ton of au Adonis in disguise,' he was seduced into the ēngine and fire-rooms. to show him the eseetlem facilitiee the ship p«>ssessed for roasting, wholefcale or retail. Tliie; was a gentle hint tfcat ht? might personally and practieaīly test the it he ever undertook to Mibjcct the oufcside heatbeu to hie culinary ideus of the eternal fUnes*> uf things. The eshibitlon seemed to ha?e a pleasing, and it is to l>e hoped, a lasting, eSlvt the mind of the susceptib!e monareh, whu de£arted as he eame, gmitly edīfied, no duubt. !Eiit Tamaeva. j A party of three or four from our ship wexe i:he gu<?6ts of tho King in the eveniug % at the f Palaee." In theii prcseace the Queen deliv<fercd a erushing domtjst:e hvture to her other hauf hiewant of proplriety iu vi«>iuug the ship;n his native eostuiue. The eontext of t!ie rjjul homily wa* trauslated hp Capt. Tiucviu of oiie oi the trading for the lvuefit of t!«e">isitorb % Ivlio were deliglited; to fiud <?ueh an advauceu $taU? of domestie civi!isation existiu£. One woula expeot to oud eaudlelsui iu perfeetion iu isolated island it only gott? to pK»ve the Uielaneholy faet tha; wooian aud eS~sui are iu&epanihle. Eiample in abetruee mathemi*Ueti (for the beue£t of ih* . Fiud the produet aud iueviiaMc of tuariied life # Bsavage or I*hercih the to the evntraet k» kw ««(eeheK (By one who kao>ts.) >ightiy euuiie lee;urvs dhirls t Oviid wa!$ t dcmandB f »r| iuoue\% rume4 Lopui» 4 ww»telH>d esistetHV and fir;il!y Correct iS OUt, I

A x:k\4 ?carc a \ u luo\*j bj fhs She. w oui for liui * * Yuu V \ft*l UJO, I % V*\ :\ iu«r. M1 a Im%T * " : i ■ il ;r :