Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 March 1873 — Wool [ARTICLE]

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Is niee this jear, and there will be a good crop. Our island ranehmēn, t!*oug!i thej paj a higger proportionate tariff on their produee than the! sugar men, yet don't feel b!ue. And wberc-! fbre? Becau?e it only eostB a dollar and a quar-! ter pair of shears to get out their wool; whereas ' it coetB tho«e other fellows to get uut their sugar' a thuudering big maehine at a thundering blg| priee. However sugar fblks febl big heeauēea. sugar mill is a big thing, with. ite fall *moke~ j stack, like a ewoli with a plug hat. But let us! return to ouv muttonB« It has been a good tiuie | iov thein ; lots of ratn # lota of and henee u ! iong istapia, uiade bj keding 011 these stable | No bur juet Tet t being bo wet and green, I —no elianeo for the infernaLthings to drj and I mek. But hurry up boy$ f mā elip like eHppm,l ov you will. have a hurāen on your wool; and iff it get« pretty thiek, you kuow it hu* a f<nVful ! pect by «,nd l>y. PonH lap up any bur in your burlapB.; theret} no cenis m that. I Wool 18 on fche way to market; it 18 qulte nigh iou Lanai. So Baith,the «hepherd. Baa» ] Concert.—The eoneert in behalf. of French' Buflferem by pūen i\p by the Cou\-' miBBioner of Franeo, Mons f Monnyer t will take ' plaoe nt tho Thmtn> on FHday evemng next tbe ' 28Ui ihBt, The inost of th4»oatB ave laken at thi$ * mt\y day, as It ia not only a ehi\ritable impulse % ' but $Am tho feeling of & Very high and! warm regavd tivat pron\pt j>ur o?tUens to ineet so ' eordially and !jK>mlly this| nppeal pf tltv Coinuiis- S «ioßer of Fmtw | * *