Nuhou, Volume I, Number 9, 25 Malaki 1873 — The Nuhou [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Nuhou

( Is doing well as we iuow liow; somciiow i: I iaight do hetter; but we|wou't nohow, i Onty this» it needs a liulp more fecd to uiake ' tbin<j; lir£. ī>o vou the ltltle eoek io <rrow ? [-J * | H |Then ehell out a little more eoni, aik! see ho\t l:e j will crow, The Udutaui, hae juet «?be%l tbe leheii oft* beiiind» and etarted his featliers, but 'when he i* full wiogM, f\ill $jmrreJ, and full fej [ the«i ie oo telliug what may-do in tle jof Karrakadom, It will take all the roosters of j fchese salubrioue and more tcK>, to hU foud, elear eliauticlecr. Cv'ek-a-dvVck-doo!i Ye«, jio, Shell out a few more dimesjusi uow, for th© little game oxvk Nvnov. • 1 I HT ¥ery little girls Wlieve ia a man m the fcvoo**, bnt wben tbey Kxvme biggor t? belie>e in oro in the bonejmoon| * AnotWr lUtle Ik>j» pullit>£ our |vnj*s Uil, got lns fo4t iu liis f«KV. | A* tlic uiashcd c'.;c<k *•*« wp Ik> " Pa. will I K> at prvUj »gnin?" " Forb*j« not; bu( _jou will havc a•ight mor* «w" [ ' •;