Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 Malaki 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]
Along the Wharves.
| BritiBh bark Liglitfoot, liee eteru on at TibbettK ! | <fc Borēnson*B wharf, awaiting ordere. ; l Sobooner Pauahi liee at Brewer & Co.'s \vharf ; | awaiting orders. i Bark Kale hae imuled to the eoruer of the! ;Esplatmde and ie diseharging, j | Schooner DauntleB6 eompleting her repair6 at! ;theextremc end of the and will he j j ready shortly lo take a plaee in our eoastingtieet:, ? I Schooner Prinee lien ut HobiuBon's wharf, ana J I is being overhaukxL ; | Behooner Nettie. Merrill f at Brewer & Co.V : j wliarf, 18 reeeiving ireight for Lihaina and Make- ] na« and will sail thb afternoon, J Sehooner Kamaile has ehanged haiuk» aiui i$ | being overhauled at the old Custom llouse wharf.' Bhe is' to be istted a$ a operui whaler, under the ! |eotnmand of I. B, Petersou. ) i Sehooner Jenny, at thb steamer*£ whavf s re-v| |ceifing lreight ībr Koloa and Waiuiea, to &ail to- j ;d ay. Sehooner Warwiek, at the Eeplanade fronL will j get off to-daj ībr Molokai. Soliooner C. M. Ward, froui the Guana Wandt t j Inih takerii a berth at the old CueKoui Houee w!mrfA I SioojFLiv<? Yankee t at the okl lee House *harf t . will get off to«day for Ilana. . I bchooner Moi brigt§ Morning Star an:d Onward, aud l>ark l|dv in f are moored t await- J ing orderti* i ; Schooner Fairy Quceiju at KolniwnV wharf,. expeet# to to-day at a\ m, for !l4nalei.