Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DR. LIVINGSTONE j! PEW COPIES OF BOOK, "HOW I FOUND DR. LIVI3GSTO32." I JIFT KEC£I\M> i'OK t&hK, &&.50. rul'-'l ' "VI.. \niiST SERVED. -Rs nlh!« - 11. M. WJIIISEI . lE*. IjE ASE! ■ | FOE A TEEM OP YEAES ! THE PRESET REMDE>( E Ol' i thli nn^r6i B r,e<i akuatcu ii, Honolulu, &t the fool ,■{ )i}s||S|j Punchbowl Street; coniainii.g one hhd thtce-f< unh wJUHL acrve of Jasui, yaitly luaui'.d with Frail Tr«;e* ar.U Fingering Shrubs, the balance iu good pa?tur*gc ruSkiciit \ut two horse*. I The Lathi has a frontage «jn the sea btach, f«ciL|; thetnuauce to harbor* of two b.niulrctf az«d »ixtjr'three i* on the premiavs a SPACIQIS AND COMMODIOUS DWKLLrNG 1101 SK, 50x00 feet with alt cvMiltiKe^ ! ' Servant-* rooms. Stable an>l Cnrriag* Jbmi*?. It lis both a city an<l eea sidtj resilience. Itjonly require® to l»« seen to be ' ' ' COMB 4ND SUE. For ;f rm§ apply on tlie premise* ot m.1%15 ! TBm I»Q>'G THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! ViM tt.T A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR, JL this city, It is the one, which recommends u# roostl to the favorable consideration o! strangers Everyone woo arrives in Honolulu indulges- in an expression of surprise to find so large, s<. elegant, and jeucb a well appointed Hotel. It coat & good sum, but it is well the money, The chiej projectors, and of the building were blamed for having erectepl such an extravagantly edifice ; but before a'| year bag expired since it was Opened it is frequently, found to be too sma.l to accommodate its throng of guests,—and th* proprietor js about to erect four adjacent Cottages to tbe demand upon bis hospitality. Travelers from all parU «|>f tbe world who are now brought here in comfort by tbe commodious steamships of the Australian liue, say uuauiuKo&ly that there is no bouse of public entertainment on tbe P unte coast* or in the British Colonies which surpamjs in point of comfort and elegance the new Hotel. | Ii the buildaig is .lighted With gaa. The Dining Room is a spacious noble ball, and can seat 1X)0 u at table, Tbe parlor is furnished very luxuriously, and has a superior toned piano for tbe tnent of guests. There u a Billiard Sa-ovn pro\;dv\l with tbm Sthrale & Co."a patent cushion ullos. The Ucd-rocuis are all fufnuhed with apiing mat* treses, and tas eful sets of, furniture, wllii c<»li *i;d Warm, and abower baths attached, v ! j i There are uo extra charges for conveyance ct guests between steamer and Hotel iu coming and going; and no extra charge frr removal o: baggage.— ar other extra service Charts per Day, $3.00; Chains per Mouth $60.00