Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 Malaki 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CORNER STORE WILL BE FOUND A j Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! ■ 1 i JUST KEOKIVKD KX i ICA.- MOI A3VX> XK e. HUIIUAY. t UM>EKSHIRTa AM* PBAWKKB, ALL GRAPES. j Keck Yiee, Socks ami Suspenders, superior to anv iu the country, a fine line of Gentteuieu'a Clothing, * ] 1 i A Full Assortment of Boots and Slioes! j White Linen Suits, White Bali Vesta, Gloves, j A fine assortment of Hemmed Handkerchiefs, both j white and colored border, j A tine new lot of White Socks, something new, j I A SSplendid I.ot ol Neok Si-aris I j VmbreUas m Silk, Italian, Cloth, Alytacos and Gottouv A lew Urge me whalebone Umbrellas, GOLD AKI) PLATED SLERVE BUTTONS, AMBER j Sleeve Buttons, Bone and lvorjr Sleeve Buttons, j A XKW I.ol' OF l'A>AJll HATS, STKAW MAI'S.' Cans. Hat?!, Shirts of superior quality, from 13 to 20 inches neck ; Uwdmhtm from So bi 44 inches Boots nnd Shoes -tixm* *No, X> to IS *, Twki, Valises atia Carpel Bagtu - e ; GOSXEI AM> LI'BIX'S PKRFIMES,. * k tlotps, Pomadea H*ir OUs, Kr*mh!nsr in Brutfct*, the best S&v« Bmth lu town, Oa\it Bargains in Socks* KVKttlimiMa USUALLY FOUND IN ALL WLLL APPOINTED SIOKL CaU mi Examine, »a TfrjiiMc i« Skew Ciuod>: »'■»» M. McINERNY.