Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — Music in Emma Square. [ARTICLE]

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Music in Emma Square.

To-ri3ort i ow, the 22d, the Fatherland of Germat\j eelebrates the seventy-fifth hlrth-daj of the Emperor Wllliam, One of his gallant henehomen, our bril!iant Berger, g!orifies with our band on that daj the gre} Leard Ilero f who kepe eueh watch; and ward qn the Ehine. Long live the great KaiBer, The following is the prograiame, to eomknenee at 5 P. M.: WilUam Mnrcli t new .Berger Choru«s $ncl Cauzont', Opera Tiuubabour Wrdi Bluebeard Q,uadrillc .Offenbach iyavatina, Opera l,inda. .poDizetii Town anjd Couniry, Polka 3Li7,ui ka .gtrauss Govcrnor DominiH March .Bergef HP* The Saturdaj Review mys ; " We bave in Austra}la ]so6siblj hereafter an immensc eotton tield. We know that from the Illawarra dietriet up to the Gulf of Carpentaria on the east, and in the whole of Western Au&U'alia, eotton maj he grown whieli will rival or surpase that of Ameriea, but here again the wanl of labor meets ue, and arreste the progrefcs of eultivation ; and until India cbn £upplv eoolies, a contingenej far from probable, we ean have no hope of anj breadth of land being sown, or of anj progress bejond those ingolated experiment6 at onee so 6ati6faetorj as regards loeal results, and eo delus,ive in reepect to estend opemtionB.