Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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THUkSI)JVt MARCH 20, 1873. Quietness in basiucsB clrcles returns wHh the departurc of our San Fraaei»co packe(S} ihere being llttle of loeal trade goon. - The Moses Taijtor Boiled 011 Tuesdav last for San Francisco \vitH a smail amount of island x>roduce, the hnlk of hei* frnght bein£ in transitu from Aucklanfl. We nōte fmollj|er drain of eoin by hcr from this couDtry, of about $4,000. principa!ly go!d. Jsxchaage \vas ecarce aud inBufficieiit, and ruled hig"h. Bark /?. C. Murray sailed to-day for the eaieo port with a full freight of gugars, &c, 5 which s \vith the cargo per Ka Moi % ought to make exchange easier soon. Schooner Kamaile has changed hands 5 having been purchased by I. B. PeterBon aod others, who are fitting her for a «pei m whale cruise.