Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — Official Utterances [ARTICLE]

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Official Utterances

Llnder thc heading i4 ei-uffieial utter&o_xē/* there are aomo very ourious olHeial onee. !sW we want to koow in the namo of eommon and eommon English, what this meane. t4 lf ii» the idea of m6ml>ers of| the latc Cabitiet at tl" r 1088 tfie nation has suflire 11)j ree»sriw chaiigee f and they choose to ' dispar&ge the of the present So?ercigu/* We cannot go anv iarther. This haa given us a headache in trjh»£ to unravel, or etring togetber. or niake anj henu or i&il out of the thing. j If there is anj appearanee ot muddiness, or anj bad spelling, m any of <*ur articl€» in this jou must attribute it, dear Nuhoua>*s to our baving read these offieial iutterances f beibre wp began to write for our papor, We wonH do so again. We will leavc ttiē Gazcllt to the last, f>r a hunne houehe, fbr the aake of fun. ln another eolumn uniler the heading, 4; Lunaopportunity," we botiee the publication of remarks possiblj allowahle in the city of Swi Fraiicisco; but in very bad taste for this eommunityL It is not gentlemanly to make, aod we will not\my anjthing about tho Waltj, of making a public allueion to anjtliing disparaging, iu the hietbrj of one we pretenii to esteem as a friend. Vbri!y this erratic G&zeite is in eurioui handt. If i't reflects tbe 3anguagc and 6entimenU oi MinisterB, then they are;a disgraee to the enlightenment of this commudity; but if in their iuu.bility to nay anythiug, t'hey Lntru-< f * their -uffeial I utterßnce» * * to othcr handb, then it is time, we bay that tlm slnuld have au organ whieh is japalde of to somc extent, the eommon senjse, and correcfc Euglibh, of 'ttie cultivated English speaking comnittnlrj.