Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 Malaki 1873 — The Admiral's Party. [ARTICLE]
The Admiral's Party.
On Tuesday eveuing last waß anoecaslon whkli is nofc eoiumon, rhat h one whieh affurded pleai>uro to everybody prebeiit. The Kear Admiral has had an experienee, not only of the t?tern dutic6 of !ii6 lmt also one to qualify hiin eminentlv to fill the role of an a6siduoue und courtly 1k bt. And iu this duty he hag a most accomplUbod helpiuoei In Mrg, Pennoek, TEe King there, evideutly in liuo heallh aud heartily enjoying the oeeat»ion. . llisMaje*ty t by a eharming eaee and affivbility of mai~ attraets pleasaiuly every one who ap>proae!ies pereon, atul eominue* to win—it is too trite to eay goldeti opiuions—-wc must t*ay diamond opmioua, \Yhat an aununng, nay will eay % fraternai (eeling llis Majesty has toi¥ards biuiBeīf among naval whoui he hae encountemi, We terilv believe that the eallaut officerB ol the will ever swmr by their geulal guest. lving Lunalllo ol the Ilawaiian ller Miyei?ty Quecn Emma Kalelea* nalani wa« theae, and maui(estly *hi high enjoyiuent of the pleaMut reunion. The KingB Oabinet were t)are Mijoyiug a bapp) ielasatiōu iuinistenal labors, His Exeelleney of Foretgn !ooked radiaut, a» thou-h ilu Pear! of great priee wa* in his InuuU. Ilb Kī Cfllonoy of Pinanoo ēeeined pleaBed» as t!iough l;e wa« jingling a good ?ax levy in hie,poekot t whieh would tmffiec to niake both eudt of Ilawaii mei t t and HU r\eelleney of tho luterlor eonfceut, a$ tb«uuh le had li|iV nuiUiin^
1 1 """" *rawwrrirrTrirriirīmTTiiinii&riM«i jtight an«i *tru?ig, aEi<jl all his 6ad ieper* houeses. q did not nouee |iny EjscelleDcy uf luw tl:erc, our_es-E;x<jeileniy J , who feeeiuecl Ls - ia tha. pro»pect. of a pl«i*>anfc weleoiiie t ou' jaccuant of tmiūg t|old hh mind to the Ltaithen. |Our iilut»trioub iuiiijtary Gt'ncrixk ScLojfield ai*d Aiexander, were tlier»r Auaerica, jihere uaoieuver m the pereon uf Miuij?ter Pieree, |£ngl&tid was repre*cntci by Viee-CoDtsul DaTiee; iaiid France by Mont*ieur Le ijer; Germany wae there, though ii.t o23cially; |Italy and Peru werej there t and perhaps Chik % at |ieaBt soaaebody said out in the verauda. ! The Suprerue Court wasi there* and the Poliee land the Marebal too. Qur galla,nt na\al viblt jit !were there in full force—CapLaini= de Krafi't acd !Cator with officers of the Henieiū and Scout t p!eaeantly ntid lraternally interLlended rival uniforuis in tht| gny dunee upun thc ble floor. Our Goveriior was t!scre, aloiig with his aid« ane! the alds. CJ. Kalakaua vrab radiant with the io£jpiratioii 6T tiie febtive oeeaeion, aud the Leleiohuku waa iu Līb handsQme uniibrm and bp rtmg a ninklie feot in the graceful iaaze6 o|f the wa\u And the ladie> were there, a lovely to tuetaio thc glory of the evening. TVfe dare nofc partieularize* but gather them all in our thoughts a bloooiing bouquet that gkddeMed # the eyes of the adiiiiriijg and happy And laBt, and perhapfe lea6t, though perhajw not so iii hia own ebtimation f our Jenkin£ was there. He admired thc ample aceommodatiou vf tlie Makee nmnmon; the parlor5 t the eommo dious eide room8 t t!:ie \vide pordi, aud the colvenicnt pase>agag *atl filled either with daneert t whist| players, 3uuchert, or The n>oon was ab|road for thete tender OQe§ # though not in her full yet shc aroie ovcr the hill topē in a eha6leoed glory auu shei hcr. soft beams m eweet|y between the beutiuel cedare that «tood guard aro|und the festive tecne» And the varied lighu of aod battle lanternii beiimed forth their r&iubow |rays lrom among the fiowcrof the parterre. A|nd ae he «auuleml, aud gazca upon the fair seene jm the heaven above and m the heaven belo*v, t|ie teuuer fctralni of were in daliumee his heart s aud he trod onee more a etetefy iir** marble hall& M no* lying in ruins in the wor!d"s eapiial» and then 1k thought of dying wail and of her lepen** moan» | But Berger, our i>rilliant Beiger ee:iJK?d lus enehanunem, and ourj Jenkt theu dbevvvrtd he vv;\B hungry, aijd *o he went to supper. Ile found a noble dish ihat b>»te the ple;\N.iutl\ J- vrvvocrttivo legeiul on it,- r,iJiaiit l>ro\v,"Lcrv ! aa," and he Btn ing, hoiv l am t,v«; tlic Jish y<:d JcukinB had a pleasnnt eneounter. Aud this wos iiwt the only one that he reports, but lie ulla of reports of £parkling t!ut sent uianj galiiard hoiae plou>ant in htusou!