Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — Mercy, Oh King. [ARTICLE]

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Mercy, Oh King.

Kahelmumoku, a youtli under twenty years cf dios by banging |to-day the Koyal j cldmency interposes to him from Uiis borrlJ |fat!e. What an awful dec\l, to chvke a niau and I I I hit neek with systeniatie delibcrauoa. I Theiv ean be no excfii>e for tk>eiety coiumUtlng «>ueh a deed s unle&> the \ietiui to justlee bas Ipnpen a dangerous \vi! t d iheiM; ought agaln to be affemed au to be !et lvjo*e among hii» fellowmen. 5 Bnt this boy is &aid tb be weak mluded» and if | eirjuuistantial provou tho eiiuje of ttnai\ier him, hie youth and weak uiirid $hould plead eomewlnU for hU llfo on eartlu ; We imve not read the evideuee» and t!ierefow Dot ej>eak but if tliere beai?hred jf ho'w for a true uierey» that merey to &vvleI tjr, to an «vil doer to act upon, th|tju |Spare t!ns life. |If hc has fur&iu\l it ';u ■ &iiy\\uy U 6oviety, let |hiiu f \vork rt»t of |bīfi <iaye for eociety. people are dyiu£ iemmgh % wichout ihe woik of „ [ fora 6ay. Juercy, oh King, | I3F* Livingstone, the hcrv> of Africa. See itssuiabout him by Sfianley s the ! ero who dUeovered the licrv\ Whituej U&« thc Vo>ok I -! :