Nuhou, Volume I, Number 8, 21 March 1873 — The Spouting Cave of Kaala. BY THE SHEPHERD OF LANAI. [ARTICLE]

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The Spouting Cave of Kaala.


I T— i >Ye eouimenee the j|ublication of u Ilawalian li*gjpn<1 3 fit £t*>ry > wM<*jh >vritten iu 1868, during a vkit of JjEIiB Majebtj Kamehameha. V.|on Lanai, and at hie|requeet; and a p-art!on oi it iwas publishe<l iu the Howahan. Sim*e \ve coibmeneed our cditor|ul luburs, the siory has be6n eompkted % aud will puulieh it m full in I thci Nrnor. This storj haaed upon tius amuuni |of The laud, thq heiau or iemple, and the Bpouting enve all as de?cribed. In this |caye are bone*, whieh are atfcributed bj unvarj- ; traditioi) to the ehpaeters vFith wL m ihcj iare identīfied in the siojrj. The ente connected | \vith the vfeit and refci<jlence of Kiiiiiehūnieha the j nr<? mi oriy rijeio t!ie intdHi,D3 uf thc j but were voucl»ed f>r m conYGrs4tion* I with ehe author, bj* the|late Guvernor Kekuauaoa, I who wae with the Conqueror io one of iua exp»ediI tidns to Laoai» Apo.thtr histaricaLauthontj wa* I Piianaia, whot*e metuorj was rieh wilh the le,*- ! endt> of his native klesj, w iieh our curiuug shep- • herd was happj to in his idle houra ii\ 1 his sweet vallej on the, lonelj iēle. Thc eorro\vs ;of the heroine are kn|own to all ihe of i Lanai, and jou ean toueh her at this dav, :lf JOU Wi!l boldlj : diV4 dvWli inlo the epouiill^ eaveofKaa!a. !