Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

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Foreign News.

Thk Unitei> StateB,—Tho Preeident's 6econdj inaugural mosBage attraetB our atteution. Noth- • ing about us, Will not propose auj acquisition of new territory uo!ess be eees elearlj tbat tbe acquisition meets* tlie mpport of a majoiitj of the people. However he be 18 not afraid of getting anj more territorj, He iudu]ges in tbe contemplatiou of a univereal republieof peaee, of whieh world rcpublic Hawaii will be a State — don't jou want to see it?—Webb did not get the subsidy, but sold out for §1,000,000. HowQ\er, as he was under obligation to carrj the mail to New Zealand, no doubt thie andother obligatioii6 | will be carried out bj eome steaui§hip lnu\ We | will not iose our 6teamship mail, 1 Spain,—The repuT>li<? is not so eure Spain is still in the bands of tlie Clnu\ii Partj like Ilawail. Enolam).—Thcj are introdueiug the Ileaihen ehinee into the Welbh eollienei:. Wheu ihe eooiio touehēfcs BritamV boil, 11 liis ghaekles falL"

Pehsoka.i.—Hoti. Wiiliam lloaplH Kaauwai aniviHl iu town per btoamor ou Suniaj moruiog, and is stopping at tbo lloteL Tint? geutlmaii who vidtcd Europ? iu willi ller Queeo Emma, and wa« |presented at t!io Court of Wuwkor, tb<? Tuilkrie« # Graud Dueal Palaee of F!oreiw, and wbo diseugsed l\%neman liope aud deatinj witb tbe ebief| of tb« Maoris iu New Zealand, haa had ihat pul»lie esperlenee to qualify him to eom% iii aoine valual>le waj t lIU M;\J«tj. and t!ie iwl intereāt« of hi* nutlvo oountrv.