Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DR. LIVINGSTONE FEW tOI'lF« itU I FOUND IjR, LIVINGSTONE, j JL-BT. KELIUYKD AND FOH *AL£, $5.50. pah FIRST noME x >77;* T SERVED. -%£ mfolfc ti H. M« WHtTS&I . FO 3FL .Hj. $3 A IB E3 FOR A TERM OF XEARS I THE PRESENT RESIDENCE Ol the undersigned situated in HodoSulq* at tlie foot •: 112 -mm Punchbowl Street; tontainirg <~»ne ar,3 t*> t<--f ur^ : acres of land, pattly plants! with Fruit Tr*--'» h*-l Flnwterln^Shrubs, the balance jin good pasturage -ufl&ri'.nl f,r two j ■ i - The Lao 1 Um frwnUg»* on the m:.-* twcti, the tntraru 112 to the bRTI" r < 112 two hundred h»k! "Isty-thm-There is on the premises a ISPACIOf'S AST) COMMOI>J-. OUSj DVjKLUNG lIOUSK, 60x00 fctt with rj| cwivviiW-iVfj attached.' ' ■! ' Servants rooms, Stable and ij^rriag* l Hou>*". Itjis both a cilj aoil rf3i*Ui>ce. It rc<iuuc.«. to lo tuh [cj he api>rid4ted. COME AND Si)K. For terms apply on thje premises vf THO&' LONG.
A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR. ! - ! '•f m 1,1 rnplS has become the most popular institution if JL | this city. It is the dne, which recommends lis modi to the favorable consideration of strangem Kveryoue who anises ii& Honolulu iudulges in mi expression of surprise to find so large, so elegant. and such a well appoints! Hotel It cost a gooi sum, but it is well worth the money, The clvWt projectors and of the building were blattied for having erected such an ex.trftv,*gAiitly large edifice ; but before a year expire! since U opened it is frequently found to be too smVl b.accommodate its throng of guests,—and the pivpr"etor is about to erect foujr adjacent cottages to uwi the demand upon his hospitality. *' * ! Travelers from all of the world who are brought here in comfort!by the commodious stemnshi{& of the Australian liue % say \v\Aimn ou*!y ihkt theit* h no house of public eniertaiuiuoat ou the T i const, or \i\ the I>r:iish Colonies wluch surpasses m point of comfort and elegance the now Hotel, ! buildup in . 1 /.ghted with Room is a spacious noble hall * an,? can seat per>cu at table. The parlor is fjaruishcNl tery luxurious!^,» and has a superior p'ano for the entertainment of guests. There U a fnllUrd pro> idi\l with three Sthrale &Co patent cusbiou tables { I»ui Bcd-iwms ;\sv al*. with gpvlug uia 1 ,- tresses, and tas'eful sets |112 fVirmhm\ wUh evtd md mm, %ad showe* baths attached Ititre *re »o charge* for vvt\*eyauce of guests betwe«u stealer; and TTote! in cviulng asii going'. and nostra removal - 112 baggage.or other extra sortie j j Charge per Ms, $300* i Ouugeii per JHoiuk $£0 00