Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 Malaki 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CORNER STORE WILL liK FOUND*A | Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! JUST RECEIVED EX KA jVXOX AND X>.C\ 3XXJIIKAIL. tJNDKR SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ALL U RAPES, J Keck Ties, Sacks and Suspenders, superior U.» any in Hie country, a fine line of Genl!enitn*a Clothing, A Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes ! White Linen Suits, White Ball Vests, Gloves, A fine assortment of Hemmed Handkerchiefs, both white and colored border, A tine new lot of White Socks, something netr, .V Lot of Neck I Umbrellas in Silk, Italian, Cloth, Alpacca and Cotton-, A few targe stee wh&lcbouo Umbrellas* OOLD AND PLATED SLEEVE BUTTONS, AMBER Sleeve Buttons. Bone and Ivory Sleeve Buttons. A SEW LOT OF PANAMA HATS, STRAW HATS. Unsa. tiats* Shirts of superior quality, from 1U to '20 inches neck ; Undershirts from SC> to H inches ; Boots and Shoos troyi No. oto t Truuka, Yitflie* and Carpet Bh|«, CSOSSKIA/S ASH l.lill.VS I'KtU'l ME>, .. « Soups, Itauuulos and il&tc Oils, Everything in Blushes* Including the Kit Sbofc Brush in town. Great Bargains in Socks. tN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN ALL WELL APPOINTED FUUN L£IIIXU UUODS STORE €«U mi 4 Examine no tumble to Guodsl ' . ' " j ' ' t t M. McINERNY.