Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Rear Admira! and Mrs. Poimoek give an | CDterta.mmei)t at t!ielr rc3idence ir» town this | evc',niiig. i @3*" Juhn F. Thrum, of tlie Alla CaUfornia 3 ] Benda us a largc and valuable file o.f San Franci?co j papcrs, fur wliieh accept. our cordial thanks. j PuNAiiou Collkck. —The term closes at that in- \ ?titutiori on Fridaj next, Mr.rch 21st, with the j imual esarainations and rhetorioaJ exercises,—A<l- \ .■. , I TFrhser. - i Garden PARTY.~-ller ]\lajesty Queen Emma ; 3ield a pleasant reunion at her city residence last j Saturday evening, at whieli a large numher of! officersof the vessels in port ? and of our j officials and famllies were present. * I The Platform or tiik Nuhou,—īt has got one. j l)on't be afraid, It will eome out with xt hj- j and-hy. And it is going to astonish you, not by ! any inaster stroke of policy, new to statesman- j ship and Btartling to eommon 6ense, but by tell- ( ing very simply and plainly wbat it honestly i , believes to be best fbr tbe public good, | The Mail Steamship Moses Taylor will sail ! to-day at 12 M. The mail closes at' the Post I Office at 11 A. M. i — The U. S. S. Eenieia is expected to eail to-! morrow or next day, j — The eteamer Kilauea touches at Manele, \ Lanai, this trip to land Miss Gibson,and freig{it. j State Dinxer. —llis Majesty entertained at J I#iani Palaee last Thursday evening, the 13th inst., Her Majes.ty Queen Eiiuua, the members of; the Cabinet, Eear Admiral Pennoek, Mrs. Pen-1 noek, Major-General Scholield, ]>rigadier-General | Alexander, Captain de Kraflt, of the Ca!ifor?ua,! Captain Clary. of the Be?ikia, Captain Cator, of: the Scout, and other officers of these nationa! j vef?sels, and the Diplomatic and Consu3ar Corps. : ~ I ■ A Star at Nooxday.—The natives were nuieh j excited yesterday in gazing up into the sky to look at Venus, probably whose positlon in the heavens at this time permits her to be visible very j elear and distinet in epite ol dazzling j splendors. The natives eried out—Nuhou no, M \ news indeed. Yes, the nuhou in the heavens : ahone down bcnignantly in spite of the sun of glory f u[fton the faithful Nuhou below, that shines j fbr all- in spite of the sun of authority. | . Hotel Arrivals.—llon. Wm. Hoapili Kaau- j wai, Wailuku; J. I). Ilaverkost, Makawao; J, | W. *H. Campbell and wilo, Miss Squileh, Mbs j C. Eieen, San Francisco; C. A. Tuttle, F. ! Tutt!e, Oakland; Alex. Torges, Jr. T New York; | Oaniel Smith and wile, Goverson, Geo. IL Will- ] iame, San Frauetseo; Alfred S. Smith, N. Z M J. R. Dodisen ? Neleon, N. Z.; Caspan Sehenek, M. ' Fieteher, E. L. Aiuory, U. S. S, Ca!ifornia. j —- • I Phomkkape Ck)NCRKT.-r*On Thursday evening in | the Hotel ground|. Another delightfiil free and ' easy reunion. To eome and go as you pleaee,: and dres« as jou plea«e; and yet eiyoy muēie and | plea&ant moonlight seenery f as though you were | at an opera , Prof. Berger and lus band are in first rate tur.> aud we expeet a big treat. These , ure the only meetings that are worth attending s ; and we espeeially invlte ladies and ehildren, aud ! even thow who don't umlerstaiul Ihe ; Knglish lnnp;nāge t m tho mume i# iu German. | Fāet

Go Fartbkk a,M) Faßl WuR4:, —Our euie New Bedfor|i friendB wunt to dodge thk port awd b.i\l } exponseB m they euppo^e; but they don f t do itj ! fchat is feavo thc expeng€H, We see m \&iippiiig List,. that the Tridenl liad eprun.g a . | leak. was iaken to Culebra ĪBlandV near Panama 4 | put on to a gridiron, ehe keeled o\er, ftove in ! her bilges, aud beeame a total vvreek. The I Northern Light lost 18 eafikB of oil by the k [ ! ing of the wLarf at At pinwall ia a norther , nn \ ; Capt. of tlie.Alaska, takes Panuma fever,j jand lns ehip is laid up, AII this iiiigbt have j | been avoided hy not dodging Honolulu. Uome,j baek ye ehastened einnera to where jou are well | treated.. j