Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — San Francisco Papers [ARTICLE]
San Francisco Papers
Noti|ce us a good deal. atid glvc a spiyjc « « 4ittfe Hawāii, We ave' not sy prouu of tīila, a.*> we tiiigl>4 bc, l>ecau&e wc see some līes to!d abji!i ue, a« well as 6ome Some of the eorrcspoiidei3te laj it on he&\\ Thcre i»? une Chroiii* ele pea in the Paeific that bj.iey aud mej, auJ has k>nie imid to >on its nth. L-n*t oue of llie letterH of Marcli 3d tliat paper <assy ? lt i» certiinly not written hy lhc «ioie uian wiiu, in a ! Bebi[uarj jm|:w2r, praii?ed :up a iot or our rUing ' beeause it one of them down condiderabij. We nolieL' in tLe Buutltn a gutci i ueai ut brug of publie ināuenee and aehievtuiei4 t here|, not esaetlj in aeeo|:daneē wuh the iaete, It | is to ignorc effieieijit co-workers in a c;ium-. : We endeavor to tel| ihe to the be6t »*f I our abiUty to enlighten unr S<ui Francibeo eiien. f porarie*, When vou gejt the Ni aoi, jou get aU | the iuside views of puhlip affair?j in ti»is euunii \ > ; No neeil of.corrc«poiidtih|us.