Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 Malaki 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Along the Wharves.

Lneihii bark Li£hlf*>ot p iie« :u ai TihV--Ui iKjicufcon*o whari', awaitirig order6. i>arrc D. C. i&irray, at Bre*ur k Co. 'e wLari t h rooeīvmg frelgtit f«»r Sap riv»hufe^u t t « *ai! ah-jv.\ thc iatter part «>f next w eek. Paunhi lit*B a't Brewer $: C whiu f awaiting orderB. Bchooner Prinw licfe atl }l jbiuSon"e wharf Sdbooner Manuokawai i»? re}>airln£ at the TV front, to bc put on the Kona route tcuiporajrily. | Slbop Waiola lie* at JE>planade front and will probably leave to-day foij Lahaina. Juhn Y«jung, at Tibl>et6 & Sji: Tenson*ts wharf> U up fbrj Waknae and Waklua, to «ait at 4 p, m, Kale has to the corner of the Espianade and ia diechar^ing. Moeet< Taylor is taking in freight at h r whai'H and will get ofl" to-daj fur San Francii?e i , Bchooner U completing her re|.ttiirf: at the extreme end of the Etfplanade t and will read|y ehortly to take a in our eoastingfieet bc|hoonerB Moi KeiM|aiid Kamaile, and bi Morning Star and Onward, and bark Eduin f are moored, awaiting urdeiv,