Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — The American Generals. [ARTICLE]

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The American Generals.

These diatinguished gentlcinen, Majyr-General Schofield aiul Brigadier-General Aiexandev, are on tbe poitifc ot departurc. They Ijhto heeu quiet and roticent visitors, but \ve doubt uot that tliCA* bear away with them vie\vs and opinions that wili have mueh weight iu to tlie intereēt6 ot* tbese ii?)ands before thc UoverDment t [ the linited States. We feel satisfied that their preseuee here indieatet< an iiiterest in us un the pan of the ruiers uf the Great Eepuhlie. Thej haie i had eoiiie opportunities for intereourse \vith tl e j King and hm Government anu peopie, anu they are meu not to neg!eet sueh oppummUie*. Thev nuiy have amved at somc eorieet eouelu£kms; or as w"ot\cn the ease with militar % v meu, they may ihiuk that with their supevOeial glauee at usthey have fully weighed and measured all ilie resoureeBtuid pofisibi!ities of thblitde eountry,aiul have arrived afc hasfcy and iueorreet Ihoi-e islands are but slightly c*eeu tu a trip t\» l our and guavdiHl eonvemitions in the i eourse of official enterfciumieuts k not the beM !.way toget at the true of a eountry\ ' And \hove all, the oulwaul of llie uative people are not true Indieations of their real eotiditiun or of their real feilmg.