Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — A Cheap Government! [ARTICLE]

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A Cheap Government!

That% whafc es-Minister Phillipe eaje of thig ■ Government; heeauee its fifty or more thou6an<ll people don't h?ive mueh more to pay Ibr Goyem-\ menta) espenditure than thc twenty-SYO thousaDd , people df his town of Salem/Es6es County, Ma?s-: BaehusettB, That \s just like the special pleading of a iawyer, Why could he not etate the matter.' £airly ? Balem onee the cntrepot uf Amerl : ' ean Kasfc India trade, Her maritime eoterprise'| was fainous, and although eo many of her eons j have transferred their £eafc of opera,tioliB to Bos- i ton, yet she is this day rich with ' treaeure gath- * ered from all the quarters of thc world, We j were obce the gueBfc of licr Silsbec, when we ; ransacked her famed East India mueeum, and we • saw Bomething of her opulenee, and we know ■ that thē men of Salem could buy up the weallh j of theee islands five times over; therefore, why i eompaie the espenditure of a wealthy corpora- j tion with its enterprise, improvements and aeeu-1 mulated capital» with that of a half employed j and impeiToctly organized new eommunity like j thiß, w r ithout a saitable market, aud whosc moncy ; is iargely waeted on official nonentities, and a mountebank parade. How mueh do the gold laee ! coats of the seiect men of Salem epst?