Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — HE ATTACKS THE MINISTRY. [ARTICLE]
' 4 Thc entljufcia{slic fjr Li">"aU!.u in||:ire hi» c<>urifcclor3 £0 d«j *jiaethirjg. r " {Bat thej dou t ku«jw uhat tu du; thea wLu d>t> know !) Tiīere an eptbutiatsiu iu iLe iuad lui-A Mīifl not die out, In qttempting reeiprcK;itj bet>ur difficultj a eaLiiiel/* (iike Ueiieral ix<jtt % fc Hn,- iu the renr) " tbe nuwfyveriiig voiee of ihe patiun bl»<juM fcilence the hojre of annexation." lie referred to Canadit;n reoiprocity, as diseue£Cf-I bj the Chieago Tnbun>. Keiative population 1101 to be cunsidered. Kameiiameha \ . injured the cauH3 of reciprocltj bj arbitraqr aete in lsGi. Bufe the amkbility of | Lunaulo 55 recommend reciprocity. Leading journals of A!meriea now recgmiiieDded reoiprocitj. Pearl harbor wab u<elase to llawaii, but valuable to the L iuted States. Iler §tateb were anxioue ** to H j cure a naval arM;tial " in| the PaeiOe, for whieh they wuuid wiiliugly give us free trade. We belicve in lliii?, aoi" bope to fight it out jon tbis line, if it take& all (£f the! Minit?ters wuuld uidy beu i «oine of us to Mr. Pbīlli|>s* obje<itiotis to Pearl barbor difscuUiei? un acix)unt of poliee the creation of a : riVal eity, and ihe eabse uf the decay of Honu- ! h4«, presented 41 a fanjastic ficture of our futuru j All these wuuld be provided fbr bj 11 a | Btatesmansbip. , (Ahem !) I4 A naval :;f!c|n was no more of |a menaee tban a §bip t f wnr.' 41 A fibip of w;ar alien teriitorj t aud there are alreadj tbree| tiuverelgiities in * our L?.i - bor. ■ * (Elowevcr tt)eii[ i»ubjeeta can*t leave whl 1. th<?y want, and our <jft izeuts euunot enter thLn when tbej pleasej. ct sueb cbimera a& au iiu- | divided eoverelgntj.'" | * ; Abatterj on shore 'uo' j worse' tbau one iu tlje barbor/* (nut k> bad if | beut on mkebief; but;t!ie barbor batteij maj j avray some time, bufc ;tbe fehore batterv nev^r;. Tbe eession of a btntiun uot derugatory tu 0111 j dignhy. Vijttafma<ra \\iis granted !y I to Rus?ia. jFrauee bas Pondieberiv i ; > j Mia. Portugal bas;Maeao in Cbina, (Aad ! England has C*ib!raitar £11 but ' would a liule ratber| gbc bad not). Foreigo pojwer* would not ob}eec to the a? thW would get the uf ducks buik b;* { the l nited S?ates. Sueh a woulu üb- ; route of the Paeile eabic t whieh maj olber |wise be laid bj wav juf the Aleuiiau ibkcdt : No hann ean aeerue jto tU« iutne a* of ; eoivrse it is admitted e'n.miai eunuiiiun ' to any negi>tiat)ōD is tl e free of thc native jHiople. What \sa* tbc duuger v«f l<eoming fellow eitkens wit!t foijtj miliu'u* of free le ** | Annesation >vas onee j>rupoml at a thue of dau ger to an An\eriean uSlevr. There wa> dangcr 1 nvnv. He reeited jwiie te iudie?itc 1 tb\i there was M nothing $0 *troug tbe jaiiv ply of love.** The ljnited States: bad klukhi St. Tbotnas and San Pounngo That Govenuetni 5 does 1101 \vant atuie>;atiou,— oulj a na\al su;;ou ! lle ihere(ore urged j 44 RKCirROCITY lUK O>LY I'LAN.^ | lt waa uot fair to ct\ 1 ihe Peail Larbor ce>*iou 18cticu)e M auiieialL'ii iu di«^uise. i i4»oity m the l)«iu;CcvLit gvuius t! at will l our «wampe into gli«tcning ficlds," & a J tjtiat I*' |sill eel rtttoat tl« fhitcuing eaiU." U cya. | iiself to thc phli»nthivi'i»t (wid tho mi^.u j pl«utcr). " Let ua our jlt | grcs»t men to ilv> «:;»). Aa«i we, | in£ " o»> tln-> «iii K~ a j «.ww prou)»M» to i!«- tvigu <.«f l.i n\i 110. ,ukl «I i" ! '
The discour6e haa eoiue good poinle, but is a trifle flowery fot 4 a practical political epeeeh, Mr. Carter has a good voico, but he seemed to \vant coDfidenec 011 this oeeaeioiu Hie voice weakened as he proceeded. Ile- did not bring out hla points, m that, although he had a well dīspobed audienee, thej did not know \vherf to put in the applause. Mr. S. B, T)ole rose to an explanation. An orgapization had been effeeted to ensure lree discusgion alone. The committee were not responelble for the political opinions of speakers, and meetingB \vere not presumed to endorse the views of speakers, There was no revolutionarj junta establisbed.