Nuhou, Volume I, Number 7, 18 March 1873 — Mr. H. A. P. Carter on the Political Situation. [ARTICLE]
Mr. H. A. P. Carter on the Political Situation.
Tho meeting at tbc llotel on Saturday evcning, the 15th was well attcndod. Tbere was a j large .proportion of ladies and young folke, that |is to say, jamilies who fcurnefr out to listen to one j ot theii" own houie folks, a or son of [ tbe eoiL [ The speaker alluded to liis birtb on tbe toil. j He had \vantoned from boybood in tbe *hade of | ite grovcs, and •• the epniy of ite eaneades had | played upon his youthiu3 hrow." He was a link ot tbe ehain that boutid togcther the lving and of th e landv ? Ile beard talk about 4 4 putting out fehoulder to tbe wheel,- It was already there. He and his eonfreres in bueiness were doing tho best- they eould to advanee tbe ! material welfore of these itslāudi>. Some would I deter us by stirring up the prejudices of tbe j ignorant against tbe only measure to j our welfare ? tbe eossiou of the Pe.arl burbot j tion, in order to ol>tain reeiproeity with I W'e were taunted with want of vigor, but tbe j spirit ol aetion was not lueking, (although aetion j itself might be). e \tere mieroseopie, but our . oeean spots were a eontinent to us, We had eni thusiastieaily eleeted a King, with a uuanituous j Legisīature f (made so by skillful maoipukūiou), j And our hope had been bigh, but reaetion was j setting iiu The puke of tbe nation was be;uuig I iainter and ftuMter, ae years roll round» | OIKOXLYCrRK. ) Tb«re wae no otber bubjta so strougly felt by j t!ie puWio mimi, us it toiuuiende Umli to Uie | gw*t imijoritv of intcreats. It very \viso in Mr. \reb«ter to «vv, •* "When iua Uou'i kuaw wbat to do jou sboukl uot do jou kuow uot wh:U ; " but \ve ilo kn,t\v whut tu do, atld what we \nuit. (Then wiwi:'» tbo use of eo uiueh ti»lk). lie did not address luiu6clf to jx'ttj I pretrtdices, or " to fit us a jwssive K'ii'oo to uote tiiL pulses o. r dtx*a\. , (1 hat hlu newsj<\jter ukm, tbe .1 A■ ■ 'i■ i aud llilk-)