Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]

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Spirit of the Press.

Gazette of the 12th. We uotice a lengthy analjsis of the as leadiDg article; and ofcher artieles, whieh we notiee elsewhere. ] The Punohou Jonrnal of ths 11 th, We ooiiee a pretty good corapositSou on reeiproeitj. Big 6ubjeet, bop. Little fellows like jou aud the Nuuou had better stiek to topiea of aboufe our ske Lot m " pitch into" Mioisters aud \thcn we eateh them uappiiig« llore fun iu that. Thafc apology is a!ll right. The Kuokoa has a brqadside agaiuist reeiproeitj from our friend Coj, Kalakaua. We maj find time to aay soraetluug about ifc in our next i«sue t I v