Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

British bark Lightfoot, liee 6tern on at Tibbetts & Soreneon*s wharf, awaiting orders, Steamex Nebraßka, lies at her wharf, awaiting the arrival of the Moges Tajlor. Bārk 13. C. Murray, at Brewer & Oo.'e wharf, is receiving freight for San Francißeo, to sail about the latter part of next week. Schooner Pauahi lies at Brewer & Co.'e wharf awaiting orders, Sehooner Manuokawai is repairing at the Esplanade front, to be put 011 the Kona route temporarily. Schooner Warwiek oceupies her berth at the Esplanade front, and will saH to-day for Molokai. Bark Kale has taken berth at Robinson ? s wharf, awaiting the arrival Moses Taylor. Schooner Dauntless ie coinpleting her repaii;B at the estreme end of the fisplanade, and will be ready shortly to take a plaee in our coasting fleet. !bchooners Moi Keiki and Kalama, and brigs Morning Star and Onward, and ]jark Edwia, arc moored, awaiting orders.