Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
' THUJISDA\\ MARCH 13, 1873. There is but doing among the tradej basmess during week being conf.neii chiefly to the aūeiion rooms. C. Bartovv hel(l a regular sale ōn Tuesday, and holds a specai sale E. P . Adams held ā clesing qut sale yesterday at his rooms of S, JVlagniil>s retail Btock, and to-morrow will ofTer the houHehold furriiture of the same. . , Bark Ka Moi and ketcli cleare<i at .th*e, Cu.stoia Hpu«e yesterday, the former for San ta.king ā eompiete cargo of island produce yalued at over $56,000—-for apecifi"cations see table of ,exports. « The Lunalilo saiLs to-day , weather permitting, witli supplie» fbr Starbuck Islapd. ? Our Ililo packets liave had dispatch in ,unloading, and have rt.-turned thither to'reiieye the plantations, some of whieh have stopped grinding for want of room for their The Bteamer Moses Taylor is hardly\xpected before Sat- . urday.. ■ "