Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 Malaki 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

TT13 r -r. A. HERBERT, : : PROPRIETOR ri has become the ( most popular institution of Xj this city. It is the 0iie, which recommends u* raeit to the favorable Consideration ol stranger;:. Everyone %vlio arrives iii Honolulu indulges in an exbresmon of surprise find so large, so eleganr, and such a well .appointed Hotel. It coat a good sum, but it is well worth the money. The chief and promoters of the building were blamed for having erected such an extravagantly large edifice ; hut before a year has expired since it Tvas opened it is found io be too small fo accbmmodate its throng of guests,—and the proprietor is about to erect four adjacent cottages to meet the demand upon his hospitality, from all of the world who are now brought here in comfort: by the commodious steam ships of the Australian |ine % say unanimously thut is no house of public entertainment on the Pacific coast, or in the British Colonies which surpasses in point of comfort and elegance the Hotel. " ! The building* is lighk-d witl. gas. The iJiumg Bfl®m is a spacious uubleball, ni, l cau seat '200 per> i» TV. A , ..•» t , . * 1 * -i ' r V r , i ti| iuxm iou&i \f t has a superior ton;ed piano for the enter tainiueut oi guests. Uii.Lird Spleen provided witfi three Sthrale & Cfo.'s patent cushion tablet. The Bed-rooms are all furnished with spring mat - tresses, and tasteful sets pf furniture, with cold au l and shower baths! attached. There are no extra charges for conveyance cf guests between steamerj and Hotel in coming aiai going; and 110 extra charge for removal of baggage*— or other extra service. Wise List.—Champagne* quarts, $2.50 ; chatsP*g&*» pints, $1.50; cherry wine, $1.75; pott wiife, §1.75 ; table darcjt, SI,00 ; chateau v— —» St. Jalicu, S» i • sauturae pontine, SI.50. California Wises—.3. l&rbtrt, lmporUi-—Cn-ootiiouga Wine, §1.00; California Hock, $1.00, White Break Wine, SI.00; Sansevsiu Bitters. S2.00, Kugiish aud German Ales, 60cts.; Porter, 5" era.; Charges per Day, $3.00; Charges per Month, $60.00.

P«OTOGRAPH 0F KING LUKALILO | OF CAB)tKKT SUK, The Best Likeii(!ss of His MaJeslj t«Kon. .Uiio, ACCOVNX of tlie INIEKKEOK^M ' -ASP- - ' ELECTION TH£ KINO. By >VAI.TF.« M. 111 w . wUb - - ■ ■ i . i O Back Numbers of thc Nuhoi^l Pai op iB » Wr*p4*r 3?or 12 :DOLLAR ! i 4 1 niH* M > UUOKMOH.K.