Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — The Empire of Victoria. [ARTICLE]

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The Empire of Victoria.

We don f t mean the Empive upon wlueli the| «uo hae neter set; nnd whose flag hae for " &j thousaad years braved the batt!e aud the breo/.o; > *. but that eolonml ehiUl beneatb the Southehi Cross, whieh is so lull of pluek and cnterprise, and ia taking the lead in the mareh of Auetrala«ian prōgress, This eolonr has thr germ of.Kmpiro ; whieh it

owcs jjnrtlv to goM, an Ammenn ♦deLuei!t, 1 It is mitiative and progresslve. It is willing (o di> and to dare. It ib imbued wltii t!;e . of joung Anglo-Saxondom. It wants tu »i»nux. : It has the luet of terrltorial a2grandizeiiient t 1 OO * • whieh it inherits from its parentj and has been eonfirined in it by the example of ite great tians- ! Paeilie kinsman, lt wante to annes iglande of Uie [ Solomon Areliipelftgo. lt will need thc Louisiade g(roup and P&pua, Then the Moluoeae; onght Burely to follow ; and a w ? ar with Holtand ! will give it-Java and dependencieß, Befbre this| happeiis T the o£her 'AuBtrajian Ooloniee will of| course have yielded the lead to Yictoricin enter- ] prise, whieh will eBtal>lish an Oeeaniean Empire, | However, Queenēland is m the better j and hiis better conditions for doing this work,; If Victoria falls somewh;īt short of this, she! will, liowever, aeeomplish great tliinge ; because| her aim is high, her purpose is strong, and she' is willing4o risk a great deal. We need a spark | of thia spirit ot daring; we need to ventiue a; little beyond the aetual ealeulations of a shop ; ■ because bowever small we, maj be, we are a j Btate, and not a mere aggregation of plantations, and ageneies. Sardinia became United Italy byj her risks at the Crimea. Little llohenzollern | haa beeome Imperial Germany thro«gb her] daring. And so poor llawaii might,| annexing; but by some Statesmanlike venturej with sueh resourees, as she has, become a po\\er' in the Pacifie. We ought not to be afraid of a reasonable indebtedness in order to make area-; sonable eflbrt lor national regeneration. j