Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — Other Errata of our Errattie Neighbor. [ARTICLE]
Other Errata of our Errattie Neighbor.
Our brotber of tho GazcUe Jias sent to Puna" hou fbr a'Bmart'boy iii the Hpelling elaea to point out Bhps in 6ur orthography aml punctuation». We di<i not ti)ink jou wonid stoop to such small gatne, anti sift our items, as we never iooked at joiuß. We )iever attend to punctuation, we onlj make dashes, and that account-s for the dashing stjle of the Nl iiol ; —but we try to put Home point to our and that in the kind of punctuatio?i for juu to Btudj, hrothei\ V\ T e chiefly noticed error« of construetion in your leading articies, whleh are ali iacitly adnjitted ; but we cannot eee eome of thosc pointed out 10 us. AV r hy shoiild you twit us about tlie notice o! Ven. Archdeacon Maeon being " an obituary." Is not the heading u Pcr6onal 1 ,, Hufficiently dietinct; and is it not plam that thc 44 departure" epoken of refera to San Franelsco as mentioned about twenty lines above. This criticiBin is utteriy unealled for. In looking baCk to our No. 1, and to the very eolumn refeiTed to, it ought to remind you that you never penned a line for your paper to the memory of your brother, Avhose face is so freshly before us all, and muet look at you, as you sit in his late editorlal chair. Had you made a point tliere it would bave been worth more than acres of correct eomma, and eemieollin punctuation to a heart ftore widow and to old friends, who keep a green spot in their henrte to the memory of Raple<}. But we have sadly digressed Trom the point. You ,take us up on the spelling ol' scais in Freneb, aud you say it ought to be .<ais : now either wiii do, that is what we &ay. Sapridtie, brother, we havc been to PariB % iu thc days when-we wcnt gipsying. But you Jld get us on taught, and we own up and say ema*rt boy, pass to the head of the spelling elass, and you may enter the classes on composition and stategmanship by and by." You muet admit that the • { Pedagogue ,, has been around, because tliis No. 9 of vours is an improvement on your No. 8. In ihie nuinber, we would bc willing to bot with you a patr of I>enkert's boots, (we are needlng a pair, a« we have got a Bore foot by wearing eheap that we ean point out fifty errors, But No, 9 b tolerably fair, m consequence of the castigation Uowever, brother, don't reyise your editions in the strect. After you had issued a iew eopiea of your No. 9, a friendly purchaser pointed out an error or two, that the Nuhou man would be «ure to piek at; so you ealled in a first erroneuis s edition, exchanging fbr it eorreeted eopies ; and even rēcalled your revised and yet fov all that you speak inyour of 44 parcniage of children to total populatlon, ,, meaning 110 doubt, pereentage. T\ni 1 t Siiy it is Fomehody fault, beeause we father all tlie
errors of t!ie Nunoe ; and now we \vant to know> what you inean bj our Jow first We i ean on!j think of o«cfirēt issue, Say, bvothov, • won't t:hU do as % tifc fbv vour iaut, j