Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 Malaki 1873 — Meeting at the Hotel. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Meeting at the Hotel.


Thc n6bio di«ing ruom of tbc I?r>tel and evf n ?v portioii of the adjacent passageB wcrc >>aeked Tuesday evening with a crowd of our best people,' ladies arvd gehtlcmcn, «nd all \terc n!ivc t<> hcar' s6mc nuliou (good news) froTn our !ate Attorncy' GcnefaT, Thc company rcHol\ed itsclf into ;i maes me6ting } Mr. H, A, P, Carter in tlic Chair\' Dr. Jno. S. McGrew anU Mr, D, Foster, Vice; Mr. E. P. -Adams, ; The aiJdress occup!ed in its delivcrj, a littlc ! over one hour and a quarter. We cannot unuer-; take to find roora in our liUle Mieei for even a 1 fair ahBtractj and phall on!y endeavor to givc a few of the moet striking points. ! Mr. Phillips eommented upon Ihe state of es-' eiteajent ! underlying t!ie apparent ealiu of this! community. The words, " Bugar low," \vas aj " conderte«(l exiireeeiou full of fear " to Ilawaiian ' induptrial intereet?. Commercial cnterpr!Be de- • ve!oped keen foresight. Ile felt that lie miglit ' speak piainlj aftet Bix vears 6ervicc' under the ? late King. He, the last of hīs dynasty, was a man of power, and " his people mourn the loseof hia strong am." Ile saw the crieiB of lus eountry. Tliere is now a new King, u profc6fcedly ciectcd 11 by the people, who.rclies on thc people, and it-is " no longer revolutionary " a radical diseuBsiou of the political situation. But 44 languagc of the strcctt> would roll haek the tide of progrees." Thcrc : must bc rclicf. Oui' sugars cannot he Hold to profit 011 account of thc American tarifl, Thc markct of u Franc!sco 18 as ijecessary for our sugar as that of New Tork i§ for Wcstern grains f The revenue system of fortv millions is not to he disturbed for the sake of fifty thousand or less. Ilawaii struggles in vain. She mußt look to, Amenea'. Gught the independence of Hawaii to be ? Ncithei' | Great Britaia or Fraiiee or other great power?s : desirc to intcrvene In this archipela£o. Thc time hae eome for Ilawaii to consider ihe surrcndcr of her independcncc, and shall it he full or partial, or " a depcndent sovereignty." Ilawaii wiekk an impovtant moial inAuenee, and forees the attention of polilieal economisU und phiianthropists throughout ihe world. Some say we e;in fall haek on <s the rude eonditio|iof puiand ibh/' But the kV natives are notalone to he eunsidered, ,, i4 the foreigners have a right to he lieard/* and also eivilized States that have protected t-his weak power/- The Hawaiians eau look for no prosperity but at home, aud it must be īealimi in eonneetion wiih the l'nited States. Kvery native needs free aeeess to an American market/" This ought not to be eonadered a eostly GoVenimenl spending annually £180,00 > The Go\ - emmeni of his native U\yn of 2ofi\)o «ouls about §400,000. ** lleeiproeity piiro he dkl not consider possible ; and fehe oiVer of Fearl haihoi' wouki uot be an inducement to the Uiuted A dctaehed it>land, more de.sratle aiul ycTMīd~ way, abandoued. - Might as weli oSer llonoluki harbov and the - to estond to Bu!hi Point," The l"nited Siates, to a wouk! wanf a terrliory of at least ten mikfe t»quaie. Thi?> ofler of Peail harbor is oiily am\exation in disguise, nyt evm!?istent wiih the t%iity of a great nation t<j» \i\ tlus way. I*oari harbor station wouki bi a resorl i*f fugitive dcbtor^, ( politieal 1 ib, ukl Alf go ī!ktc . uo polne rt*£ulaUou

Tliis wiii n*)t d>; there mu*d h« nexat|on. ll' tho ujj! Liol gj t.» Mu homef, theu muJt g» t; lle * 4 Somettiing iiiuet be Wc arc a fehip,jatid &ouio " lay h<»ld of thc aiiohoi. - Vvhen you duit't knuw wLat tu d > yoU taiiOu]d Ilot dO yOU knuW liot wliUt. (Vs'cb- .; fitcr).|- " Don t &aU utidv.r; ccdors.** (i Gīvc* ud tltp gcnuino utliek/' The Uiiīted £>tatcfs ir not paiiicidar]y iu need ja d««ek-yard in the I*aciii|c. 4v lf Peail Kiver: i'ibt\*>, llonolulu 4 -No reriīody but *-peedy annei:atiou/* £he righi<s of the natives detcr gj-jd iuen. Tiiic , nativec iial bettcr livc ip a large than a hiuall couiury. Ileline our own fciigar. Po«tal advantagea, ph; k*:. ; c The lioteh wou!d . t warm with yifcitort>/' Grant of £1,000,000 on puhhe lande» r . Hawaii, a« a portijon of the Uni"u f would "heepuie a con:spieuout? ipi.»ut in thc ficld of lih-1 erty.]' Wheu the two J»rincc6 (Ljt and Liho* Uho) jvieitai Engiand, Ljijd Palmcrston told thein . to loc|k to Ameriea } the of their country I lay ip that dircetion. Great Briiain docs not I wai"itj thesc isiauds; thcy wcre oOfered thrce times Ito hcr and rclused. Let <jVmcrieans ! ]>ritish modoration and jif?tice in re::pect to thcsc ; Herc fhllowed a|leo£thy historicul tum- ! mary| ahout the * 4 M«»nroe doetrine/* whieii apj pliesjto these islands. Mr. Cannīng, the author. s L»ordj Brougham epoke |highly of the Monroe } deciH|ration." was abandoned in eon|6equ<fnceof ita asssrtion.' How wiil I afiectj thc natives ? value uf lands, raisc ! and improve cdijeation. He will !»c a j. citiz€|iu Lhe United Stajlcs will [»cruiit Llawaii |- to aud yet retain ;her autonomy. * Tl-c r King retain his Crown ; the Royal Standard ! floa,t jjand tlie c!iieis their Hai cou!d adhere to their old allegianee ; ur ] heeopie citizens as they phosc. 4i Labor system ! be regulated a« :in the lmted Siaie«/* How| ean anoexation '»c aceo£uplishcd? Keei | proeity requircs a two-tlurds vote, but annexuf tion only a major}ty, You may bcgln t<> eend !petitions to-morrow |to Congrcss praying Pol* t4 llave yoii e\er tricd thc nativej in refpcet to annesatiou ' % That Pear! Kivcr j bait e%inecal the /n i Thcrc muei bc n j job. The bropoeition must eomd ] froin Hawaii. Every mau uiust show his« 5 Ile had ** no interett here s aud no esjpect4Uon. n He ejased to bc a eltken/* and soon a resident Inanki? ibr the iu\ituj tioiv ,Tliere was & modc:atc rounu of apj at the eio§e. | Mf, llarris offered a of the 1 of whieli werc to gi\ejp«rtfsai\eiKX to thc i orgasnmtion of t<« apjKunt % a 1 Ci>mie >iumiucv»" wiih i ipffiat<c auy woasures fjr thc publk; i g>w«l. junui in tiot. Bui tl>c o:i!y focUj assontcvi a liauU- ] fuKof a tir«iaiul ivtirhi« (.vun«nj, . i' nivr^r^\sKivALs.—Mp. ;»ik! Mlss Oamel^ !ī r>ar;tv\vs. H&tUor\l Ci., A U. I\. Moul|iu, Cliristcliuivli, N. JL. ( *urlou£, ; utckv, W. 11. L. Kuuken, Q<imw!iuid ; Chft«. Mevcr, X. 2.. M. \Yiuu. j irginin City , Miss> l;sii)clla l>itvi, . Caj't. lt;u\!tnj; aud w iR«, 1). E. lin wstcr, Auki. ; ean J»ail sUwuisMi>. .\;:.. i .«.-ūu. J. L. RicW\isc«K Kahuku ; Mr. TVhitius, X. Y. ;I>, 11. Et<kul V. . Mr. ao«I Mi*. NoruiK>ff »a>[ ' two d>Udrcn, [k«ui lliv *ok«.u-o ;