Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — The Inequality of the Sexes-Where Shall the Men get Wives? [ARTICLE]

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The Inequality of the Sexes-Where Shall the Men get Wives?

" lt is nut good for imm t>> he uiono,*' but|j manj nuu iii t iimst liv€.a!one, or' fehare ibmalo with *o\uq uthor 1 uiau. There avc nos\rlj T,DOO inalee in the popu-i! laīiun of these idaiute who wouM never havo d \ (einale mate, if the present proportion the ! sexes should euiūinue to exist. Loojk at the nīct6, ! Therc are in the ipt plaee 3,216 more iiativt: i males than native females. Then add to thesv! the exee6S ot' Chineejo, Ameiiean, llrit t Portu- ; guese, (lennnn and other males ovev' le&§ a slight cxee&* of hn!f-faste, and of! llawuiian l>ovn foreign fenia!es over ani we have a total of 6,400 malos in these islanj®' that he pio\ided with female partnert?' ' There are 1,724 Olmumen who eavmot tind !jere ! Ohineee wivej>, Thcre are 400 Ameriean j*outh?! who wil! have to £0 iumie to annex a fair hu!j of' thelnml of liherty it\ or<!er to ensuie an oi\ierty j and deeent life, There arc 2tK» !?ritish bovs who ' tnu6t go to thc old c\nmtry for £weethea?t:?,! Therc are 130 Ccrmans m nieevi uf fair franlein?! of the FathevLuuh There aie *0 Frenehukn |

|it hoīU HU . --3 VuTUi£ue?e iiiUl arc fr!iort of fc«.*nor j l ri trcrc jpiācc!l-atic.nis f.jreign<|rs \v!: 0 ean 1 avr tK , vmtiint* a.t all, he>ides tbe tari tt ek.n'l tairy. , j WJbafc muftt be the re-u]t? l'ou, refj eeu-hle , |ieoplc aiul good woythj reii-īouB 6gulf, w<_ uKI bliUt your ejt-8 to tlio retulte ;in«J Bay that i>ubjeot iib taboo— i4 lorbtar, klo not tear the veil awav j f'rom the aboti>iDatii»ns anJ riakedneF6 of our } }and. Cover up ihe l|lth, and the prv!t3g etraiiger I with a busy pen mny not it,"' But the pos- ; Bibilities and certaintieg of our naliuna! weaknew ? and social vileneBg too obvious to be i*&cā ]by;so we might as iveJl makē a virtue of neces- | sifcy, and make a ekan breaetof jt aud &ty 1 that { dur eountry, though St prescnt€ the outward *emj hlaueee of decent ei|rinzed eondition f yrt i* mj Iwardly full of all ma|pner « f uiuleaniHNā deI £tructi?e infiuences, ' |! We have no of pn*tUuti<>n, and are i !not going into that ebbjcet; but v,o tay t!iat thc I !morality of eueh a pleople īmist 1>? in a tenib!e j !state» whieh of eou|rse eannot bc iii)prt>vcd hv fjoceasional ndditione bf iranH*cnt inaritjinc )|lation that kall maieulh.e. An«l ean tU>ughlful ||religions men,Who |have puwer or inHuenee in | !tbeir hand?, be eoijuent to look on and wair ; ''peaeefuHy pocket their eahme*, and rest at e*j in thc ho|3e that «onie polītieal } aiiaeea t!uit iujj|proves the value of will eme all t!;is ** j|Tliiiik well, uh bro|lier, ilie Lord will )i-id thce !|ans\yerahie lur Uie of thy hou^e* | TUE A|ct TO Mirjc.AT£ f ' % | le no'doubt a ead \\i\ to pure Chi M ian mindt); bui if jjou Im\c ihe 44 wi{?dom of thc ! serpent, ' as well as ilie ha^nile^iie*: l of t! e dove, ! vou will,sce a *neei|i>sity fcsr ik.nue <?i*e!) agor:ov j{> | the n»tivo and porhbi*foreii>;n goeifty ..roui Ji!y We all ca!l ouml4# «« miecrabl«? ainl although we itmy fde! it is not quite !iteral a< we say, yet t!)eve i|s trutb in j ment to permit us|, who aie fat!)ers, aml gu;.r!j iaus ' aod legWator« to bo not uo oun!j I ish ia lookhig iuto, tmd recoguiiiDg tlu M d - tion of thc " soeia l evil " in our miii.-i ; ain! t u providc eome inßuout-e fi>r tī.c li<-!p of weak,,thoughtless !.miiai ; ;tj ;\s it fii, ; uii-l t V 'i t-« ► over the<so l»ir is!«,