Nuhou, Volume I, Number 6, 14 March 1873 — The Band at the Hotel. Success of the Promenade Concert. [ARTICLE]

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The Band at the Hotel.

Success of the Promenade Concert.

was a fine turn out on Wednesday evening of ladies and gentlemen to listenjto the Eand in the Hotel grounds. * The company seated on the spacious l>alconles, and looking out from tlie archeB tastefully festooned with Tines, felt Uke sitters at an opera,listening to sweet strains amid sylvan scenes. lt remmded some of us of evenings in the Champs Elyses, listening to the mufcic of a Kiosk. Of is only a smali but Parisians would be proud to have in March in their Garden of the Tuileries the heavy masses ,ofj foliage of our tamarinds, and the graceful, feathery, uml>rageous canopy of the algeroba. The moon sho% down her siiver shafts through the quivering, kissing leaves, and our hearts went wanderingwith the sw|eet music to the time when wp weie " waiting and watching, my darling, for thee. M We were in the iaood to tell 44 tales of happytimes," and to forget aH dread thoughts about the " low price of sugar and 12 per cent. v Part of the company pleasantly promenaded the grounds in the sweet moonlight, and eonie took advantage of the strains of a waltz to dance in! the parlor. It was a p!easant free and easy, uiktress re-union,—a happy oecasion, well ealeulated to break up some of our unkindly, uncalled for exclusivenesB. We trust that Berger and Band ean be induced to continue these Concerts. But a word with you, mueieal friends arid generous people. ' The musicians ought Lo ha|ve eaeh a little d<>n9eur for this estra labor. Just think how they work ! They had been playfor ten mortal hours on board the Scout the day before. Now we propose that the Proprietor of the Ilotel shall light up his grounds handeomely and give an atiractive efiect to these de~ llghtful coneerts, and that to cover expenses, or rather to pay €omething to the jSne, skillful, willing mueicions, we make up a subscriptiou of a trilfling amount, say one dollar for eaeh fciniiiy pei* month, or twenty-five cpnts & concert, for you aud vour wife and the children, and the stranger that is within your gates What do you eay ? Haud inl your dollar to the llotel man. We don't get a cent, and would nut have one for what we say. We leel too big when we listeu to that musie.

j3F" Nuhou to sen<J houio by stcauiors wf|y, You ean get all |back nuuilwia, bk eopie*, pu.t np in a Avmppor rcadj for mailiug 'at THnimX or from the the IIotel, for 50 cont? ■ or wUli u portriU£ of His aiift Iustorj of *the deqtiou ot ilie Kimr t for one doliar. " ]■' Co>iCXDRi;K TOK ila. PiilU-lF$.—UoW OOUid ih<j) Uuited i3taies guar&ucoe a repubiicsui forui of goverumeut to the new &cate ot the ūmon named the Haw|iit;iu Kmgclom ?