Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 Malaki 1873 — Our Band [ARTICLE]
Our Band
Was iii Emma Square on Saturday, aecording to a,nnouncement. Berger was punctual at sp. m., and so were we, on the piug aforesaid; but minue the new cutawaj; and tlghts; as the eub« scription of the Nuiiou will not jet permit any extravaganceB. llowevqr, we were happy to listen to the new "KaMoi Lu«alilo March, and were curveting gracefully our charger (for wliieli we were charged only one dollar) to the fascina« ting strains of the lancprs, when a scud of rain from the moiintain made a descent upon us, the! u lancers " with a reserve of "Hu^ueno^ 1 pike iiien, ingloriouslj £ed, but ran away as we kno|w to play another day, even tomorrow evening in the Tlotel grounds, to begin at m. aud cdntinue till abput 9. What a pleasanc opportunity for a promeiiade in tlie grounds, in the i balconies, and corriflors, with no fear of au envioūs rain to drive you away fromyour delight» lul free promenade conc|ert. Now, this is a real treat; it is inlinitely su|)eriDr to a concert, whlc|i often confines you to a tircsome seat, beibre it ia finished. You ean eome and go as jou' please. You| interchangegreetings with allyou friends; you ean be sen6ible, or spponey, justasyou please, and |the best of it is considering tlie low prioe of sugar, and the high salary of ministers, thac you have nothing to pay. The Nuiiou gets nothing either, but your good will, and thanks, we are sure|, Jfor you thisj lIpTEL Prom3snade: Co^cert —-By the Uawaiiaii Mili|tary Band, under the directi o n of 11. Berger, \Yednesday, 12th Mareh, at 7£. P. M. V I. The iWaiian Mārch .. 4 ...Berger Air, Opera of Fa15taff...,................ "Heil Bright Smile llaunts me fetilV' soug ........Evans « A T|ale of Happy Times," ........ 11. God the King, March....... ..................... .Berger Cavat|ina, Opera of Belisario...l "Tm Waiting and Watchiufi; t>arliug for Ihee," soug, Kvat»4 T>imm Juhilee, P01ka.......... r ... v ................Apitius Hereafter a propositlou will bo submitted 11 loving puluie, |o assisc iu maiataining thc£e promenade oouoei'U in an attraetive ahd brill|ant manner. ;■ pretty precN apple~blossoin eheek» diort elothes ej.ass in one of our Sunday ischopte ? had been epeaki}ig of happy laudj n tlowiug with milk and honey ; and aßer a tiuie| wkhed io know thq of the niee that did 60 plaisi\nt]y flo>Y ; 44 eaid a pUml&tiarL baby. ' "Ph iio, dears; what did your inwas feed you ivith when very aiiiall? 1 ' i kuow MiUi," Baid a e*eite4 year old. ; " What wae it Freddv, dear ? 1 t)jr the d,x r