Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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' ; ... .MOIWAY-; MApeH 10, 1873. ' r w'ōek opens up \vTtrrsteady rains,,giviag-us the appearanee of old time \vintry \veather. in»tead of early s.pring, eonsequehtl/all trad<Ms at a sland. % r ■■TUe sale;of Huwanan .eunop oii Saluida s y tast was weil attßnded and good piices i*ea!tzed. V " Real estate offered 011 Saturday last' āomexvhat divides opinio;i of confidence tli^rein t as the small lot .on J!launakea street near .Beietania, put upby Bartow,sold to J.,MontEsq>, for $345, \Yhife the parcel" on Nnilanu āveniie, adjdining Mr. A^derly?si.^9TerM•'by E. P. Adams, failed to receiyea bidi . Since 6ur īast we hāve to notet\vo foreign "arrivals—that of ihe' steathfchipNebraskqi the G., N. Z. 'A. :sXail I'ine, from Auckland, 16 days and ehe. new Ilawaiian bark from West Hartiepoof,'\vith a cargo of eoal» to I|. Ilaekfeld & Co., 134 days passage. . The bark Ka %loi\ideiāyed 'in her loa4Tng for San Fraii€isc«o on account of th.e weather. . i . v give below our weekly 6ammāry "tyf 'recefpts of "doniestic prodUCe, . "' v "* .". - V ; ;■


Butter, kegt».......... c 8 Bananas, bncjis..... . 16 X3otton, 'haiea..,y....14 Go|fee, bāgs.. . .. ...., 115 Ca£tle, liead. ;>... i. 4i .. 21 Eggs, bx..., 1 Fungus/ bags ' .. 2 Fo wls, d0z.......... ; 12 Goat Skins, No.. i....... 680 flides, pcs... ;... 490 Horses .... 4 Hogs . 49 Hay, bales. >7 Leather, r0115.......«.. _ 12 Larnbs. 8 liUmber, ft............ 1,300; Mats, bad1..,......... l!

]M01a5?e5,bbi5......... 32 ;'Nuts, bag.l |Oraflges, No 7;200 [Pulu, bales 114 IPumpkin», N0'....... 100 ] Potatoes. bags,.... .y . 310 ;Rice^bags.,^|^.., t ~V 242 jSugar,'kegs.l,C2s bags.....v 931 j . mats ...... 131 ; Sugar Cane, bndls//..« 6 ;.5heep........ . .... /.... 187 • Tallow, bbi............ 1 ; Watermelous, No 200 i W:ool, bales 30 :W00c1,c0rd............ l