Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE HAWAOAN HOTEL! RT, :j; ' rppiS has become the most popular institution of JL this city. īt is the one, whieh recommeiids us most to the favorable consideration of strangers. Everyone who arriyes in llouolulu inuulges in an expression of surprise to find so so elegant, and sueh a well a gopd sum, but it is well worth the money. ""The cLief prpijectors and promoters of the building were blapaeu fof iiaviijg erectsed such an extravagantiy large edifice ; but befure a year has expired since it was opened it is frequentiy found to be too small to accQmmodate its throng of guests,—and the proprietor is about to erect four adjacent cottages to meet the,deniand upon his hospitality. Travelers from all parts of the world who are now brought here in comfort by the commodious s'teamships of the Australian line,jsay unanimously that there is no house of puhlie entertainment on the Pacific coast, or iu tbe Bricish Colonies whieli passes in point of comfort aiul elegance the new Holel. The builāing is. lighted with gas, Ro(pm is a spacious noblehalI v and ean seat 200persqu at mble. The parlor -is furnished very luxuriously» and has a superior toned piano for the entertai|imept of guests. There is a Bllliard Saloon provided witjh ;.three Sthrale & patent cushion tabies. The Bed-rooms are all furnished with tresses, and tas j efal sets pf warm, and shower baths attached. There are no eitra cliar£es for conveyance of guests between steamer- and llotel in coming and goipg; and 110 extra chaige for removal of baggage*— or other extra service. i Cliarges per Day, $3.00; _ . - .Charges per Month, $60 00. PHOTOGRAPK 0F KiKG LUNALiLO 0F CABINEI SIZE, L :: : -$| : - ' ' :V ' - 1 : T|ie Best of fiis,Majes^y yct Also, i '' ' ■ - -I" - ; : I - A|T ACCOUNT of , ( the IIfXjEERE(3tNUJI —AND— ' . j ELECTIO3f 0F THE KING, By WAI,TKB 31. 6 Bac4< Numbers of the Nuhou ! i " ' I . Tat up iu a neat Wrapi>er re;\dy for MaiUn^ For 02STIC DOLLAR ! «">ll at THRp»rs uooasxoKt. MWim—īTl i i' [T| . ptT A jrough froiu raucli \vas ktely at t!io llotel, He was obsorvant 4 so a< to bc to,things, Whon a ncjighlw at UiWo calk\i iW a stcak> he oulled fov one ; aiid wlien unothcr neighbor 8:1 id impres^voly^—' Waltor. mo a |mpkm; our grooiVv pi-OHiptly .ea!k\l .>ui—