Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 Malaki 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CORNER STORE > V- WILIi bB KOUN'II A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear I JUST RKCKIVED EX K/1 MOI AND I>. O. MUKHAV. UNDKRSHIRTS AND r I>RAWER% ALL GRADRS, Neek Xie3, Socks imd Susp*inder8 7 saj>erior io any m the country.j a fine line of Geut}enien ? s Cloihing 5 A Full Assortmeiit of Boots and Slioes! Linen Suits, White Ball Vests, G[ove3, A fine assortmeat of Hemmed llaniikei'ehie^ white and colored border. A fine new lot of White Socks 5 something hew, V X.ot ol INeel*: Boarls ! Umbrellas iti SHk, Ilalian, Clot!i, Alpaeea amt Cottons ; A few large size whalebot>e UmbreUas, - GOLD AND PLATED SLEEVE BUTTONS, AMBER Sleeve Buttons, Bone aqd Ivory Slecve Button^ 1 NEW LOT 0F PAMMA HATS, STRAff lIATS, ' oass.;llat3, Shirt§ of supjer!or quality, frooi 13 to 20 mclws neek i Un*lershirtB from 30 to 44 inehos \ Boots aml Shoes from No. 5. t<> 12', Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags» , GOSNEkL*S ANI> M PEHFrMES, Soap&, ?jomadēb and IFair Oils v Everytliing ia Bruahes, the Shoe Brash in towm Qreat Bargain* in Socks. IN FACT EVIRYTOINO 'WALĪA* 1N M L ' i WELL APPOINTKD FUftNI?IUNO Ov»OD? SlOKt • i : ' * • ' Call au<l uo Tronble to Sliow Good<! '»1,7 im M. Mc|NERNY.